Weekend Bash
Original Post
[ART] R-I-F-T ... Graphic Novel based on Toribash Community

Welcome to R-I-F-T,
Graphic Novel made by me with some help from various people
from this community (see credits). This project is organized to promote Toribash
in some way, and also to involve members of this community into some kind of
''written memory''. I hope it will grow with time until some day we may look at it
as finished, and maybe even publish it. Enjoy...

Credits: Murmyader - for support when it was most needed Piratez clan [first and second generation] for having understanding and giving advices SkulFuk, Oyster - for helping with English translation BenDover, Alphasonik - for believing in this project Begotten aka Altwcre666 - for graphics involvement doubleboob - for nice backgrounds of Rift space KungFuJC - for wonderful page 62 Every person that helped with comments and ideas

Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 25, 2018 at 01:49 PM.