Weekend Bash
Original Post
Replays For Matarika Toribash Channel

🌟 Matarika Toribash Video Submissions Thread 🌟

Find my channel here!

Hey, Toribash community! 👋

I’m Matarika, and I’m bringing my YouTube channel back to life as a hub for the Toribash community! 🎥💥 I want to showcase you! Submit replays for potential inclusion in my videos.

🔄 What Can You Submit?

I’m looking for everything and anything Toribash! Submit your most creative and impressive:

Weapons Combat
Competitive Mods
Experimental Mods

The more unique, the better! Show off what makes your replays stand out!

📝 How to Submit:

Attach your replay to this thread.
Make sure Uke & Tori are correct players.
Avoid uploading duplicates.
If it uses a mod not found in mod menu, include mod!
Please avoid submitting keyframed replays!

🌟 What Happens Next?

I’ll review all submissions and pick the ones that best fit upcoming themes or highlight the diversity of Toribash gameplay. If your replay gets selected, it’ll appear in one of my YouTube videos with credit to you! 🎉

Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297