I just found out about the relationship between #coding and this organisation. :U
I'm not sure that I'm qualified to actually teach anything, but I'm all up for giving out advice where it's needed.

Known Languages/Past experience: Uh, a few I guess. My favoured language is PHP, but I'm doing some Lua and C at the moment and I've done a few projects in other languages (perl and java most often).
How long have you been coding: Shit, it must be about 5 years now.
Reasons for wanting to become a teacher: Well, it's not so much being a teacher as having a place in the organisation. I'm not hoping to be taught, as I like to self-teach, so the position of student isn't really accurate for me.
IRC access: Yes.
Anything else you think is relevant: I have 1337 c0d3 haxxing skillz. That is all.
<TthunderR> eminem is best raper alive
Reason for joining: I've always wanted to learn programming.
Languages you are interested in learning: AS3 or whatever your teachers believe I should learn first.
IRC access: weekends
Anything else you think is relevant: I've learned HTML, javascript, and a bit of C++, but I haven't programmed much lately and forgotten most everything. I made really simple web pages with HTML and javascript, and just simple small programs with C++. I hope this Org. will become more active, since I think this is a great idea. Hope to hear from you guys soon.
Last edited by Gryphon; Aug 8, 2011 at 10:29 PM.
Known Languages/Past experience: HTML, c++, Python, Java, Delphi, c# (beast), Lua and PHP.
How long have you been coding: 8 years.
Reasons for wanting to become a teacher: I code for a living. I helped make Urban Terror with Frozen Sand. I am also looking forward to helping Sony with a few things.
IRC access: Awww yeah.
Anything else you think is relevant: I am 21, my real name is Gavin Ember and I love coding :3.