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Battlefield 1
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Battlefield 1 is a World War I-themed first-person shooter video game developed by EA DICE and published by Electronic Arts. Despite its name, it is the fifteenth installment in the Battlefield series, and the first main entry in the series since Battlefield 4. Battlefield 1 is also the first World War I video game published by Electronic Arts since Wings of Glory in 1994. The game was released worldwide for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on October 21, 2016.

The game's multiplayer support up to 64 players. The new squad system allows a group of players to enter and leave game servers together. According to Berlin, playing without joining a squad would make gameplay significantly more difficult. Multiplayer maps are to be based on locations around the world, including Arabia, the Western Front, and the Alps. The game launched with nine maps and six modes, which include Conquest, Domination, Operations, Rush, Team Deathmatch, and War Pigeons, in which players must secure war pigeons and use them to call for an artillery strike.

Battlefield 1's multiplayer features eight distinct classes:

Assault: The primary anti-vehicle class. Assault players have SMGs and shotguns at their disposal.

Medic: The Medic class is primarily focused on reviving fellow teammates, healing them. The primary weapons in this class are semi-automatic rifles.

Support: Supports have light-machine guns at their disposal. They also contribute to the team by replenishing their fellow team-mates' ammo and repairing vehicles.

Scout: Scouts use sniper rifles. The class contributes to the team by spotting enemies, and by firing the flare gun, which places nearby enemies in the vicinity on the mini-map.

Players choosing to spawn into a tank automatically spawn as the tanker class. The class is new to the series, and features a hammer that can repair vehicles.

Players who spawn into a plane automatically spawn as the pilot class. Outside of planes, pilots have access to pistol-caliber carbines.
Cavalry: Players who choose to spawn on a horse spawn as the cavalry class.

Elite: Elite classes are obtained by players through a pickup on the battlefield, which allows them to wield different special abilities or weapons such as the flamethrower. This class has different variations such as the Sentry, Tank Hunter, and Flame Trooper.

Battlefield continues to irritate me with their balance decisions. They frequently make vehicles ridiculously oppressive and self-sufficient, and suppression is the dumbest mechanic ever invented in a shooter, yet they double down on both of these every game, making suppression more and more powerful, and making vehicles harder and harder to deal with.

They completely eliminate the defining weaknesses of tanks in general by enabling third person camera with no downsides, so tanks can have total awareness of their surroundings. Which is entirely antithesis of their claims that they want to make an "authentic" WW1 experience, since tanks in WW1 had a huge problem of needing an infantry escort to ensure they didn't just get mobbed by enemy infantry when they pushed. They made their weapons pinpoint accurate with significantly less fall off damage to comparable weaponry. And they gave the driver the ability to self-heal without exposing themselves to the danger of getting out of the tank. In addition, they essentially gutted all forms of anti-tank weaponry, buffed tank health in general, and essentially encouraged every vehicle user to use tanks less as front-line assault vehicles and more as invulnerable, unlimited ammo, death-dealing artillery fortresses atop the tallest hill available.

If you can't tell already, I hate Conquest and Rush game modes with a passion, fuck the new Operations game mode, and Dice can't even put in the effort to make spawns in Domination or TDM in any way intelligent, since in almost half the maps, initial spawns are practically staring the other team right in the face, and the "random" respawn points are frequently within an obvious line of sight for a scout to just headshot people as they spawn.

tl;dr: vehicles are cancer, suppression is cancer, non-vehicle level design is cancer, everything is cancer
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I have played this game all day now and I can say that vehicles aren't that bad in this game contrary to bf3, tanks can be good on the big open maps where you have nowhere to hide, but they usually get shut down pretty fast. Planes are not that strong because its very hard to actually hit anyone on the ground with bomb strike. I do enjoy the balance and the game a lot this far, especially killing people from horseback.
Last edited by Ezeth; Oct 23, 2016 at 09:14 PM.
There's a ton of issues with vehicles.

Hitting people in a bombing run is actually really easy on most objectives maps, you essentially carpet bomb a strip about 10 meters in length with frag grenades, and you can aim it using first person sights. Furthermore, planes in general are really hard to take out unless you have competent pilots, or control the anti-air objectives. Or you have a tank user that really knows what they're doing, but that leads to the problem with tanks.

There is no real counter to a good tank driver. They have the firepower to deal with anything, they have the health pool to survive almost anything, and playing artillery tank means you'll essentially go 50-1 for the match. They're far too self-sustaining for the power they provide, and you can frequently hit near maximum efficiency in heavy tanks without a full crew if you have a few people properly jump between turrets as necessary. Even the supposed map counters to them, the Field guns, are so laughably useless that they might as well be considered trash. They turn too slowly to be useful, take ages to reload, increase your effective hitbox for the tank to return cannon fire, don't even protect you from the cannon fire, and only deal slightly more damage than an anti-tank gun. The only real effective ways to deal with artillery tanks is to hope a group of assault players all manage to shoot the tank at the same time with their anti-tank guns and disable it before it can wheel itself back behind cover and heal to full.

And the cavalry class is abused so much. I have no problem with the people that stay on the horse, but you retain a bunch of benefits even when you're no longer on the horse. It's at the point that people will pick the class and get off the horse because they then get a scout class with real anti-tank grenades, a one shot melee weapon, and an increased health pool. Which is ridiculous, those bonuses were given to the cavalry so being on a horse wasn't a high risk low reward decision, but then you remove the issue of being a big stupid target and still get all the bonuses intended to mitigate being a big stupid target.

If you ask me, Dice fucked up vehicle balance significantly in this one. BF4, vehicles were already borderline oppressive, but at least there was substantive counterplay for infantry in long range anti-tank weaponry that dealt significant damage. Now it's just get out of the way, or get fucked.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Oracle u don't seem fun to play with O_o

I've logged like 12hours playing, and only once did a guy use a tank as effectively as you said, and he went 112 - 0, because no one cared enough to go out of their way to kill him. Planes are extremely easy to destroy if you just change the plane you're using and use a fighter plane... the 'pilot' doesn't have to be good because its a one man plane so by the sounds of how godly you are, you should be able to take down other planes.

Vehicles really aren't that bad to deal with, if you want to sit back and have a nice K/D by camping with a missile launching tank go ahead lol, but that isn't the objective of BF 1 at all. You can easily kill the artililery tank w/ the heavy armored tank. It just sounds like you haven't figured out how to use 'RB / LB' to change the type of vehicle you want to use, yet. When you do, everything makes more sense.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

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I respect...
That's assuming I enter the spawn select screen when a tank/plane is available, and it's not being camped by diehard vehicle players.

Or that I care to play in a vehicle.

And that's the point. If I don't want to play a vehicle class, I shouldn't be forced to play one because somebody else is playing a vehicle class. The whole premise of balance is that no matter how powerful something is, there's something you can do to harm it that doesn't involve becoming it.

You can't justify something that allows somebody going 112-0 under the logic that "nobody cared to go out of their way to kill them", because that's horseshit, people definitely wanted to kill them, they're 112 kills with 0 deaths. Assuming a long game of conquest of 20 minutes, that's still over 5 kills per minute, nearly 1 kill every 10 seconds. Spawn timers are about 10 seconds, so that 1 player essentially turned a 32 v 32 into a 32 v 31. And that's not a freak occurrence, I see short games of 10-15 minutes with people going 55-1 in tanks, which is a similar rate of kills. And I've seen those players when they don't get inside a tank, and they go 1 for 1 in kills to deaths when they aren't. If you can take a 1 KDA player and turn them into a 55 KDA player by simply giving them access to a vehicle, it's very safe to say that vehicle is broken in some way.

As a comparison, I'll take stats as an infantry and as elite classes. I will usually get 2 to 5 KDA using only basic infantry classes. Put me in an elite class, and I'll go to a 12 or 20 KDA depending on the class. Similarly, I see terrible players who get .5 to 1 KDA as regular infantry, but put them in an elite class, and they can get 3-8 KDA no problem. Similar issue, item gives a bonus to a player and pads their performance. Yet I see elite classes as fairly well balanced. Why? First, you have to fight over them, so you can't reliably "camp" an elite class. Second, almost every elite class has a defining weakness that's heavily exploitable. Tank hunter requires bracing themselves to fire their primary, flamethrower is slow and has poor visibility, sentry is slow and needs to reload. All of them get killed instantly with a takedown melee attack. Third, elite classes are not self-reliant. Best performances as elite classes require a pocket medic and, in the case of the sentry, a pocket support.

Meanwhile, vehicles can be reliably camped, since you're guaranteed a vehicle spawn, so if you just wait in spawn screen you can reliably get it. Two, the defining weaknesses of vehicles are often only exploitable using other vehicles, or can be easily compensated by adopting a style of play. Three, all vehicles are self-reliant, with infinite ammo and the ability to self-heal.

And I'm not talking about the artillery truck, I'm talking about taking a heavy tank, sitting at the crest of a hill far back, and just shooting at anything that moves. That's called being an artillery tank. That shit was toxic as crap in bf3 because artillery tanks would just blow up the buildings holding objectives to destroy the objectives, so they removed that in bf4 and made it easier to deal with tanks at range. Then they had the asinine idea in bf1 to nerf ranged anti-tank tools and increase tank health pools, thinking that disabling the tank's functions would compensate for it. All it did was just make artillery tanks viable again because now tanks can abuse that larger health pool from a distance and avoid the risks of being disabled, and ranged anti-tank tools being nerfed only exasperates that issue.

And I agree I'm probably not fun to play with. Battlefield is one of those games that aggravates me because, at it's core, it's a fun game. The problem is that Dice is absolutely atrocious at balancing their games. There's always at least 1 or 2 things on release that's absolutely broken, and there's frequently still 1 or 2 things that remain broken by the end of the game's update cycles. And it's frustrating, because I can see the more enjoyable game buried under the filth, but I know it's never going be dug up. But I'll play anyways, because eventually the stars align for the one game where nobody uses the broken shit and that enjoyable game sees the light for a brief, wonderful 20 minutes, before being immersed again in the miasma of trash that is Dice's balancing decisions.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I have been really considering dropping the $50-$60 for this game.
However, I'm not quite sure if I should or not.

How many cheaters, etc are there? What is being done to stop cheaters?
Is there a "competitive" mode?
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theres an anti cheat, if there are cheaters I haven't noticed
I don't really know if there is a competitive mode tbh, the game is super casual and I'd rather just play cgso or overwatch for my competitive fix
I haven't seen a single cheater so far, but it is kind of understandable seeing as the game is pretty expensive atm, battlefield anti cheating systems have always been pretty good.

It doesnt have ranked matchmaking if thats what you are referring to with "competitive"
list of modes here https://www.battlefield.com/games/battlefield-1/modes