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3D Item Suggestion

I had this idea for a retexturable 3d item, that will work kinda like snowglobe.
Its a "life support" item, where you can upload your head text and it will be inside of the glass globe.


Special thanks to Melrose, who had his head stolen to serve as an example.
Special thanks to Melrose, who had his head stolen to serve as an example.

special thanks to cdean for making me this head texture!!

I like it, I think it being retexturable could add some nice details to already existing heads, any fish head is a good example.
Originally Posted by melrose View Post
special thanks to cdean for making me this head texture!!

I like it, I think it being retexturable could add some nice details to already existing heads, any fish head is a good example.

YYes, I can imagine several new heads possibilities that would look great there, but they don't work as well in a normal head.

Originally Posted by Martin View Post
i like that leo

Thanks bro!
It's a nice concept, however in practice the head is probably going to be really small on the inside if you want to keep the glass as a regular head size. an oversized head causes problems with the player knowing where the hitbox is. So while I'm not ruling out the idea of a glass head, it should fit the hitbox.
Originally Posted by Goat View Post
It's a nice concept, however in practice the head is probably going to be really small on the inside if you want to keep the glass as a regular head size. an oversized head causes problems with the player knowing where the hitbox is. So while I'm not ruling out the idea of a glass head, it should fit the hitbox.

Hi Goat, I understand what you mean, but I think that the head would look really nice even if it were the size of a wrist or ankle joint.
I drew on the snowglobe to try to show you better what was the idea. Thank you for the reply!


Could make this a fish bowl item with a smaller floating head in it and a fish going around the head & bubbles around (easily "turned off" by making fish texture transparent), might give this a shot once I'm home.
Originally Posted by Goat View Post
It's a nice concept, however in practice the head is probably going to be really small on the inside if you want to keep the glass as a regular head size. an oversized head causes problems with the player knowing where the hitbox is. So while I'm not ruling out the idea of a glass head, it should fit the hitbox.

There are some other items that are misleading, such as hands or feet objects. I'm not saying the glass hitbox shouldnt be the same as lava but why this rule didnt apply to previous items?
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Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
There are some other items that are misleading, such as hands or feet objects. I'm not saying the glass hitbox shouldnt be the same as lava but why this rule didnt apply to previous items?

It's a general guideline, not a strict rule. Items shouldn't be intrusive to gameplay. I think if the idea is tweaked, it's much more likely that I'd make it? For example, if we used a brain instead of a shrunken head, it becomes a lot more interesting and kind of makes more sense.
Originally Posted by Goat View Post
It's a general guideline, not a strict rule. Items shouldn't be intrusive to gameplay. I think if the idea is tweaked, it's much more likely that I'd make it? For example, if we used a brain instead of a shrunken head, it becomes a lot more interesting and kind of makes more sense.

I see, thanks for the explanation!

The brain idea is super cool by the way, I would love it
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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