I just wanted to share my idea, which was to be able to stand up without having to "fly" whenever you wanted.
Now, i see people see the idea as retarded and you laugh as i was retarded too. In the meantime, you get new features which are not fully free, but when you share your idea about a free new thing, you take it as a retarded joke. You know, aditions are not bad if they are optional which was what i was talking about, why not to have more for free, even if it is in mods? No. Some people seem to reject some ideas, even though they may be stupid, yes. Who plays a game mode with dismemberment threhold 0? No one, because you explode, but the option is there, so that you can change it if you want.
But yes, when you have a features that is a lot of TC worth or real money then, so be it.
You have to be retarded to compare a foot with a hand and think about grabbing the ground with your feet. I wrote grabbing just as an idea, but not a literally grabbing the ground, seems you don't understand the word literally. Sorry to be so critical but don't get why my idea is so critized when there might be other more stupid ideas that are more well accepted.
That said, I hope the post is deleted just for people not to comment "Grabbing the ground with your feet? huh?" anymore.