Gorman: Your in.
hxcbbqimo: Show some flame examples.
Ryukendo99: Show some flame examples.
Videos preferred to pics.
Cant post videos atm, but heres 2 flame examples:

Disco Flame: Medium speed scrolls disco ball colors, normally sinked low as if to reflect onto the joints but if user wants can be brought out to normal flame.

Bubbles Flame: Simple, looks like water bubbles coming off the joints.

Not my GREATEST flames I have made, but original enough I think. If requested something I can recreate it rather well.
Attached Images
bubbles.jpg (100.4 KB, 48 views)
dico flame.jpg (100.3 KB, 40 views)
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Jun 9, 2009 at 02:28 AM.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Name: kingdrake
Age: 15
forging experience: I begun with doing flames for fun,then I joined to the jay's flame shope,and done some special flames,for now I haven't found someone but I think they're still good
toribash market experience: I opened a shop with jay,hoping we'll re-open soon after his exams
in-game:active a lot
IRC: I have it,just ask and I can come

best flames I've done:uhmm here are some:

not selling this one

these are only three of my best flames,the problem is that there are other flames but I've taken the screen with settings too,so I can't show the pic
hxcbbqimo: i would say not yet. For the flame forge, it shows two values for each slider. The first is the value that the forge uses and the second is the value of the slider. You had orbit with no actual orbit i.e. make it 1 or 0, not in between which is actually 0. It's sloppy otherwise.
Alright, I will post better work soon
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Name: Lempika
Age: 15
Forging Experience: I have been trying out different effects with the forge since it was released, and I've come up with some pretty flames. I have also been planning to buy access to the forge.
Toribash Market Experience: I have been making textures and selling items since I have started playing toribash.
IRC: Yes, I have one. I think you can find me as Lempika. I don't really use it, but I can when I am needed to.

I just would really like to have my flames worn by others, and this is the only way I can.

Here are my examples:

Furry Hat

Holy Rain

Dark Storm
Last edited by Lempika; Jun 11, 2009 at 01:53 PM.
Name: DaJoka
Age: 12
Forging Experience: Started using the force since it came out and will be getting the booster sometmie soon
Toribash Market Experience: I am very experienced with items and the market. Not so much with textures though.
IRC: Yes, I have one. You can find me as Joka.

Example flames:

burst flame

rage flame

tail flame

snowy hand flame
Last edited by DaJoka; Jun 11, 2009 at 03:17 AM. Reason: added flame
Kingdrake: i say no. i've worked with him before, and i can tell you, it wasn't an enthralling time. none of his flames sold, and he bickered with other employes, as well as spam/bumped the thread with useless comments, such as "can u please rate my flame?s"

lempika's flames are also not to scratch, in my opinion. Probably no, still not sure. Same with dajokas.....
- its been a while
k I accept the no,but I hate the fact you have to say things like these,only because I didn't sell something in you shop doesn't means that I'm not good,so kepp your comments for you