View Poll Results: Who should be the new assaulter ? (KnC) ONLY
1 Votes / 11.11%
7 Votes / 77.78%
1 Votes / 11.11%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

If darth is that insistent, I'd vote Yes, I feel like you'd be a great addition just by looking at your app, pretty freaky that your app reminds me of darth's tho .-.
MagmaClash Spastic023 ghostz11 Brie
I have absolutely no say as I just got in this clan... but I say yes for good app, darth insisting you join, and that smexy profile pic... and save me dat raptor force bruh
The Game Is Broken - Foxy
My name is SruX, my name irl is Kurt i am 15 and live in New York.
I am a 5th dan black belt and ranked some where in the 3000's and
love taekkyon (even though i suck at it) aikido based mods and wushu
based mods i am a pleasent person in game but if you steal replays i
go cray cray i actually make SP replays my self i also spar but im not
the best at it.

my bea is darth he persuaded me to join (KnC) i was in many clans
before this one i was in (VoC) (fc) [Crooks] (h) (Ne) and (mega)
my time zone is EST i am very active in-game and on the forums.

i want to join (KnC) because you guys are amazingly organized
you have amazing members and because you guys could easily
make official i can help (KnC) with wars and i can be active on
the clan thread.
my Skype is itzkurt206
Attached Files
lulu fixed.rpl (200.4 KB, 4 views)
dd.rpl (71.8 KB, 4 views)
spinny mc kick.rpl (96.5 KB, 5 views)
suck it.rpl (49.2 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Candy; Nov 29, 2014 at 07:59 PM.
All I did was jokingly ask you to join knc :O I mean yes and all but you said it like I was like URMAMGARFHRAHRHAG JOIN PLS KGIO NE SUX I SWER LIEK CEREALLY. I say yes because you're a really good player and I believe you'd go far.
"Dolphy go kiss their asses, right now, go say sorry,
Right now" ~Yaysian, striking down the hammer.
Srux, accepted.
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Hello,My name is Balazs as in rl i live in Romania.Im blue belt atm i had an acc since 2011 but i stopped just got back about 1 week ago thinking to get into the game seriously now,so thats why im searching for a clan.But as I said im a blue belt i wanna get better.

Im like playing footbal in rl also play computer games all day when im in that mood :P.
I was not in a clan before in Toribash ,but I wanna get one now ,so lets see .

Have a nice day.
your app is a little sloppy, poor grammar, (but you're Romanian so that'll slide) and you didn't name what mods you're good at either, or give any replays, and you're also not a black belt. So I'm sorry but from me it's a no. but again, I just got here so my opinion doesn't matter yet, but I'm sure others might agree with me here.
The Game Is Broken - Foxy
I don't think it's a matter of a yes or no, he alredy failed to meet one of our requirements. Voting should be done when he's able to meet our terms
MagmaClash Spastic023 ghostz11 Brie