ES Recruitment Drive
Original Post
(July) July

Once Upon a time, a sailor by the name of Diamond was cruising along the ocean in his ship, that was until he ran into a small island in the middle of the ocean. There was a makeshift camp and only one person residing in it, this mans name was Fire. Diamond recruited Fire onto his ship as a Co-Captain and they sailed the ship together. This was until another pirate ship came a bit too close for comfort, the ship had the word Alpha written on the side of the hull and Alpha absolutely demolished Diamond's ship which he had named July. They kidnapped Diamond and Fire. 'Till this day, they are locked up inside of that ship...

Not Yet Determined

Be Awesome [x]
Be Official [ ]
Have 2 Staff members in [ ]
1,000,000 TC in JulyBank [x]

Post your application to join (July) in the recruitment thread in the (July) Discord which is linked at the top of this page.
Last edited by Chickster; Apr 10, 2021 at 12:18 PM.
when (July)Diamond ?
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.