I doubt that this will do anything to change sir's opinion in regards to his ban but what Felnin said about pro players is true.

In fact, I'm not even sure why we stick around lol. How many years have we had Clan League and World Championships and everyone is just okay with using the same outdated mods that you could argue are not competitive whatsoever? We've all seen what the "optimal" playstyles in each of these mods are.

People love to complain about how all duelers do is hit and run or how we like to pointhold and shovel and camp, etc. No one seems to realize that it's not the duelers' fault. It's staff's for not caring at all about the competitive integrity of the game and won't bother to change any of the mods.

This is especially true since now in the next season of ranked they finally decided to change lenshu to winpoint lenshu and all it took was a dueler staff member. Surprise, surprise.

I've been saying the same shit for years. The usual counterargument is that it was never meant to be a competitive game in the first place and that it's just a singleplayer sandbox. Oh really? Why even have an annual tournament then? Why have a duel feature in the game? This entire community and it's staff love to shit on duelers because we have a few bad apples and you know what? It's us against the world now.

First off fuck the realism community cuz ur all just as toxic as us duelers and you thought we wouldn't notice but we do!

Fuck the singleplayer community cuz all of yall are elitist bitches.

Fuck toriboxing, fuck mma, fuck all of yall too. xspar players can go fuck themselves, parkour players can go fuck themselves, and Swexx can go fuck himself too.

gg no re. sincerely, the duelers.
Last edited by skizz; Jun 13, 2022 at 10:47 PM.
Originally Posted by Glimpsed View Post
"everyone except me is toxic"

how did you get that out of what felnin said? lol
What a backwards rant. If you got banned for breaking the rules, your TC goes with it. If he was actually innocent like you prop him up to be, he can go appeal. If staff actually did something wrong, you can write a staff complaint. The fact this isn't in staff complaints means you know your arguments are weak, you know your in the wrong and everyone can see it.
Originally Posted by GHOSTFACEKILLAH View Post
I doubt that this will do anything to change sir's opinion in regards to his ban but what Felnin said about pro players is true.

In fact, I'm not even sure why we stick around lol. How many years have we had Clan League and World Championships and everyone is just okay with using the same outdated mods that you could argue are not competitive whatsoever? We've all seen what the "optimal" playstyles in each of these mods are.

People love to complain about how all duelers do is hit and run or how we like to pointhold and shovel and camp, etc. No one seems to realize that it's not the duelers' fault. It's staff's for not caring at all about the competitive integrity of the game and won't bother to change any of the mods.

This is especially true since now in the next season of ranked they finally decided to change lenshu to winpoint lenshu and all it took was a dueler staff member. Surprise, surprise.

I've been saying the same shit for years. The usual counterargument is that it was never meant to be a competitive game in the first place and that it's just a singleplayer sandbox. Oh really? Why even have an annual tournament then? Why have a duel feature in the game? This entire community and it's staff love to shit on duelers because we have a few bad apples and you know what? It's us against the world now.

First off fuck the realism community cuz ur all just as toxic as us duelers and you thought we wouldn't notice but we do!

Fuck the singleplayer community cuz all of yall are elitist bitches.

Fuck toriboxing, fuck mma, fuck all of yall too. xspar players can go fuck themselves, parkour players can go fuck themselves, and Swexx can go fuck himself too.

gg no re. sincerely, the duelers.

I simply don’t understand why each part of the community can’t coexist without heinous slander being thrown about like feces inside a monkey exhibit. Obviously, I cannot speak for all players and their respective communities, but I, for one, hold no grudges with any duelers, nor do I have any problems with dueling, outside of scamming. In defense of duelers, every community has their own special group of intolerable people, as with any group created ever, not just a trademark for duelers.

However, I think it’s ludicrous to first claim your community is oppressed simply because of a couple hooligans, which, to be fair, it kind of is, but then proceed to make generalizations about every other community, which in retrospect, could have been on purpose, but what I say reigns true regardless.
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal