Weekend Bash
As requested, here is an update from your beloved Clan Admin:

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
NOTE: As of July 18, 2024, we will no longer perform activity checks. Official clans will continue to exist, and unofficial clans will still be able to apply for official status. Official clans will be made unofficial due to merges or low membership (having <3 members).
We will proceed with this policy change indefinitely (unless there is an unforeseen resurgence in clan/game activity.)

We have made this change because the entire architecture of activity checks is wholly unsuitable for the current state of the community. If we were to proceed with activity checks, we would be met with these options:
  • (1) We lower the requirements to such a degree to where it makes the notion of "activity" somewhat meaningless.
  • (2) We wholly discontinue official clans.
The drawbacks of option 1 should be apparent. Option 2, while being theoretically consistent with the notion of official clans, is ultimately not worth the work required to produce. Allowing the existing official clans to keep their boards requires no meaningful overhead.

Moreover, we will continue to allow unofficial clans to still be able to apply for official status, giving something to work towards for the motivated few in unofficial clans. This policy continues with the expectation that we won't see many official applications (and subsequent approvals) in both the near and distant future.

Finally, as also noted above, this policy is contingent upon the game/community roughly retaining the current amount of activity. If this changes (for the better), Clan Squad will reconsider this policy.

If anyone has any questions regarding this change, please feel free to privately reach out or leave a reply here.

Discord: bicycleforrats
<[Obey]Quest> yall needa tap into my telegram on gad
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Does this mean Evil will become Legend? :3 also ily is okay game still good <3
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
Originally Posted by fatpanda200 View Post
so I had lost my discord but I got it back and now I can't get back to the discord

What do you mean? Is this a clan-related problem? I'm not sure I follow.