Original Post
What are the few things you wish you could have in life?
First of all, I wish that I could be at peace with myself. I've been quite unfortunate with my life and a lot of these things are out of my control as I am still dependent on my parents. I highly doubt I'll do any better when I go out on my own, but I wish that I find myself some state of serenity before my end.

Second, I wish that I leave behind something great in this world whether it be a meme for the internet, inspiration for others, whatever. If it is something positive, I'm sure that people will see a great person when they think of me instead of constantly being despised by others like some people do to me.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
I wish I could go to a university like my girlfriend is. but i had to opt out of the Ohio Curriculum in order to graduate from high school. Councilor fucked up my schedule a couple years ago and it messed with my number of credits. I have to wait a couple years now.

It makes me very depressed sometimes.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
This is going to be incredibly different than what most people would expect but I'd like to have socialized health care and medicine in the United States. I mean, my health insurance is almost $30,000 USD a year for my family and there's only 3 of us.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
I've deleted 50% of the replies made to this thread. If you are going to post in here, explain your answer and make sure your post is not useless.
I wish I had 1 million dollars. Like no joke.
I've always wanted things but my family couldn't afford it. If we could, it was always a stretch if we bought something expensive. If I won the money or was given it, I would love to pay my parents / grandparents all the money I spent or borrowed.
Steam: aruwind
i wish i had a better laptop (at least 4 - 8 gb ram) so i can play TB, Terraria and Tf2 with ease

also, i wish i had a steam wallet so i can purchase steam shiz and so i can help F2Ps

Also, i wish i had a credit card so i can make web transactions...

Also, i wish i have a custom belt and name it "team fortress belt" because it would be fun
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
I wish I'd already be accepted for a good paid job even tho I didn't study at a university yet.
Also, a high-end computer which is going to get updated with the newest hard- and software for the rest of my life would be neat.
I'm only cleaning here..
I just wish I was with my family in the philippines. I'd do anything to go back to my homeland
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
I just wish I was with my family in the philippines. I'd do anything to go back to my homeland

Ah I feel ya. I left my dad to go to Ameica.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
I wish i had a girlfriend that will understand me and that could sometimes help me feel better.

I also wish i could go back in time, finding a way to avoid being school bullied.

Many thing in my life are fucked up and i wish i could fix them all.
Sadly, my mental sanity is sometimes screwed up too.
French Player, Old member of OFRO