Weekend Bash
fuck daxx has me beat again
also forgot about lil tobi but he never releases shit
Last edited by Valterain1; Jan 6, 2017 at 06:04 AM.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
For genre you guys are labeling underground, very few of these tracks bring anything new to the table. Isn't the point of underground to be innovative, experimental, different? Not just the same trap beat with short bars.
Not saying there's anything wrong with that.

Ya'll cowards dont even smoke crack being the exception here.

Recent favourite, might be a bit more cheerful than most stuff here.

Last edited by cowmeat; Jan 6, 2017 at 10:21 PM.
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
For genre you guys are labeling underground, very few of these tracks bring anything new to the table. Isn't the point of underground to be innovative, experimental, different? Not just the same trap beat with short bars.
Not saying there's anything wrong with that.

Ya'll cowards dont even smoke crack being the exception here.

Recent favourite, might be a bit more cheerful than most stuff here.


underground is a very broad term when regarding music. some will say it's based on popularity, others sound. even then you can't tell me youve heard lots of people make music similar to lil peep, killstation, ski mask the slump god, etc. if you really think that all of the songs here sound the same i can't attribute that to anything but ignorance.

also that song was weak
Last edited by Daxx; Jan 7, 2017 at 09:24 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
For genre you guys are labeling underground, very few of these tracks bring anything new to the table. Isn't the point of underground to be innovative, experimental, different? Not just the same trap beat with short bars.
Not saying there's anything wrong with that.

Ya'll cowards dont even smoke crack being the exception here.

Recent favourite, might be a bit more cheerful than most stuff here.


i think you are confusing underground with alternative:

wiki about underground


Last edited by nikosefs; Jan 7, 2017 at 12:40 PM.
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
i think you are confusing underground with alternative:

This is very possible and kind of the whole point of the post.
Since the distinction between underground and alternative doesn't seem very intuitive to me.
Originally Posted by Daxx View Post
if you really think that all of the songs here sound the same i can't attribute that to anything but ignorance.

Not at all what I said. There is a difference between having similar production and theme and sounding the same all together.
Surely to say that most of these tracks aren't highly similar in themes and production would be ignorant wouldn't you agree?

I was talking about the similar production styles and themes regarding a term such a underground, which when usually when associated with art is an umbrella term for innovation and non-mainstream.
In this case most of the songs here fall under a very similar style and theme. Which would point towards the term underground mostly used as a genre specific term, rather than it's usual usage.
And a few of these songs are quite mainstream (millions of youtube views can hardly be called underground in many peoples eyes).

The usage of the word underground is what I'm trying to wrap my head around , nothing about the songs themselves. When talking about underground music, usually it's associated with multiplicity.
Surely most of the stuff posted here has variety, but in most cases variety inside a very specific style of hiphop.
Why is the word underground different in hiphop?
Last edited by cowmeat; Jan 7, 2017 at 02:10 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
i think the term "underground" has more to do about the culture and
"alternative" about a music genre or sound style,
probably that's why there is a confusion between the terms.

Last edited by nikosefs; Jan 7, 2017 at 03:08 PM.
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
i think the term "underground" has more to do about the culture and
"alternative" about a music genre or sound style,
probably that's why there is a confusion between the terms.

Mhm could very well be.

Funny in a way since in other genres of music such distinctions aren't really made.
Alternative just refers to a "genre breaking" style while underground usually means non-commercial.
This doesn't seem to be exactly the case in hiphop culture.