Weekend Bash
Original Post
(Piratez) Piratez

Welcome to, Piratez - Do what you want because a Pirate is Free!
*Official - 2009 to 2018

"We are a humble bunch of Piratez
Roaming the seas
But over time we have become tiresome in our adventures at sea
We are back looking to seek new booty and treasures along the way.
A-Yo-Ho & a Bottle of Rum!"


||So here's how the clan came about||

"ToriBashem came up with the idea that we should start a clan
so we talked about it for a while and finally decided that yes we should.
So next we had to think of a name.
The idea was to call it Pirates because UricHunt2 has one leg and ToriBashem liked the name
But then he came up with an extra cool letter and it became
Piratez" thanks to - GrayveXP

Join our Discord


1. Try be respectful to everyone, even if they're our enemies. If you want to teach them a lesson well, Duel them.

2. Wear the clan tag of [Piratez].

3. Be a good sport, we DO NOT tolerate Sore Losers.

4. All Toribash rules must be followed.

5. SPAM and useless idiotic posts won't be tolerated and will be warned. Punishment will be given if said warning is ignored.

6. Try to be active at Piratez board too.Try to post at least once a fortnight to show that you are active.

7. If you are inactive for more than 2 months without further notification, we will send you a pm.

8. If you were an ex-member of Piratez and came back, you will still start at the lowest rank, no exceptions.

Failure to follow these rules WILL Result in several punishments, and consequently, a possible kick.


Booty Checklist

[x] Have 5 Piratez
[x] Have 10 Piratez
[x] Loot 100k
[x] Loot 250k
[] Official *est 2009/2018
[x] Drink Rum
[] Host an Event - Bought to you by Piratez

Marine Force Recon
Brotherhood of Steel

Our application thread can be found here
The Deck
Last edited by Jewww; Oct 6, 2018 at 02:42 AM. Reason: Missing Info
Rythm smells like Cheese
good luck but how ya want to get that official if your members are inactive
You cant recruit enought people :C
Hello you're missing your clan's aims in your post.

Originally Posted by Clan Guidelines
As a minimum though, you must include:

A story or description about your clan
The clan's aims.
If your clan is using a bank, it must be listed clearly.

Please add them in within 7 days otherwise your thread will be closed. Thank you
Last edited by Rfifan; Oct 5, 2018 at 06:30 PM.
i'd better see you scallywags back on the official list in a couple of months

best of luck my dudes
I'm just gamin' man
Originally Posted by Sora View Post
good luck but how ya want to get that official if your members are inactive
You cant recruit enought people :C

Nothing was said about being official as of yet, Just relighting the fires. We are around. We may not post alot but we still lurk.

Originally Posted by Pill View Post
It's possible they will succeed again. Best of luck!

Thank you my man! Kind words are always welcomed x

Originally Posted by Rfifan View Post
Hello you're missing your clan's aims in your post.

Please add them in within 7 days otherwise your thread will be closed. Thank you

Can do my man <3, Throwing them up shortly.

Originally Posted by Jaxon View Post
i'd better see you scallywags back on the official list in a couple of months

best of luck my dudes

Yaaaaaaaar' We be trying arrr best, We just need some active Scallywags to fill to decks then we be back to plundering the seas! Much love Jaxon
Rythm smells like Cheese
Maybe I can help with it captain

these fam are unforgettable for sure

Aegis | jdawg2001 | rawrneru | Manta | DarkDranz | Trice | Raiken

Aeon - RAM - Liquor

Originally Posted by Kaito View Post
Maybe I can help with it captain

Many hands make light work so they say <3
Rythm smells like Cheese
Let's start it with a topic about nostalgia,
I miss old man Sicks when he is still can afford to go ingame

When did you exactly joined this clan? I never saw you before, or because I was quiting TB for few years

Anyway I just realized that my past clan, RAM is listed as your allies. Back in 2010/11, I was a co-leader of that clan, but somehow it died when I suddenly got sick and can't even online for a month

these fam are unforgettable for sure

Aegis | jdawg2001 | rawrneru | Manta | DarkDranz | Trice | Raiken

Aeon - RAM - Liquor