Original Post
[MyLittle] Event: Clue
Hello everyone and welcome here!
Today starts signing up for joining that event. You need to do next:
1. Send 2000tc (2k) to zzBFGzz;
2. Write a PM to BFG with topic "Clue" (without quotes) and text "tc sent";

Prize would be only for completing event and only one will get it!
Everyone can join, not only clanmates! You can invite here someone if you want.
Tourney starts in 23:59 (GMT+10) in saturday. Good luck.

^ω^ Kotyatki ║ OŁƉɅ ║ Ultimatum in my heart ║ ɅWSUM 8+ years ║ NɅƦKѠTIKI!