ES Recruitment Drive
Original Post
o7 (We're back, baby)

Welcome to the o7 organization, this is about the new holy book o7.

Get on the o7 IRC now. #o7

Long ago, in a time long, long forgotten. One man had a dream, a dream wherever he went people would be accepted for who they are, this man did not have a name. Nor could he talk, this man's only form of communication was by raising his hand above his head, in the shape of o7. As he mysteriously ventured into the fabled city of toribash, he saluted the great toribash with his famous o7. The o7 caught on, soon it was used by the army for signs of war, peace, and more. The o7 took control of the world, and this is how it all began.

The full memberlist has been wiped, I require you to re-apply for this awesome revival!

Gods of o7:
usimm - The alpha troll
assassin8r - DO YOU KEN!?

usimm's Bitch:
'dat Uric

supreme master cool xXxsupersaiyan3xXx kiLl3RUS:

Prophets of o7:
da Bloob
Pwender - Testicle of knowledge
Gum - The Drunken Enforcer
Hkp326(Habeeb) - The o7ist
MrDocSir: Meme Fanatic

Followers of o7:
Gum - The Drunken Enforcer
Lumi - Master of Curtains
zejbz - Leather Beast.
Urmy - Paddle ball
Facade - The false surface
Gelo - The Almighty gelatine provider
Mx3 - The Almighty Gay
Zinx - Murderous Master
Trice the Assassin Master
Kat - The Mysterious Doctor
Dinis - Says No. o7
Erth - The Jolly Raider
Ninja - Just Ninja..
Vodka - Drunken viking
Faint - Some Faggot
liqiudoom - Doom in a cup
Muur - Dungeon Master
Dr. Gütenbergenkleppensteiner der III
Virtue - V-gina.
Kotbolt - the brownie
Dae67 - Master Exploder
Solax the Law Enforcer
da Bloob
Zalmoxis - The Berserker
Pwender - Testicle of knowledge
Yoyo - The GM of death
Ponzo - Ye' Ol Perv
box - Security Guard!
Redundant - Downright non-profit gay
Daxx - danjo overlord
Dogbert, the evil CEO
Dalliance - The eternal administrator of all things wondrous and amazing
Nameless - Is this some kind of joke?
Tarlan - the god of shit
imapirate - the drunk ass crazy pirate

Join Date:
Do you believe in the almight(o7):
Why do you want to be o7:
What you want to be knows as;
Example; Malvie - king of e-peen.
Last edited by Fivah; May 22, 2011 at 10:22 PM.
Back for good.
Name: Gum
Join Date: November 2008
Do you believe in the almight(o7): Yes
Why do you want to be o7: Because I am awesome and one of the elite members of the community. I also think
What you want to be knows as: Gum - The Drunken Enforcer
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Name: Sam
Join Date: 09, I'll IRC you my name
Do you believe in the almight(o7): Indeed
Why do you want to be o7: Well, I like meeting new people. And as social as I am, this seems like a sweet org.
What you want to be knows as;
Sam - Metal Samurai
It's. . . been too long.
Name: Lumi
Join Date: June '10 :v
Do you believe in the almight(o7): Yeah.
Why do you want to be o7: I believe that the almighty o7 wanted me to join this organization.
What you want to be knows as; Lumi - Master of Curtains
yeah ok
Name: Zac
Join Date: April 2011 :3
Do you believe in the almight(o7): Yes.
Why do you want to be o7: Because I worship His divinity.
What you want to be known as: zejbz - Leather Beast.
Name: Fate
Join date: march 2010
Do you believe: totally
Why do you want to be o7: Because right now I'm bored.
What do you want to be known as:Urmy- Paddle ball

Totally isn't c/p'd from the last thread.

Join Date:Nov 2007
Do you believe in the almight(o7): Yesh.
Why do you want to be o7: Because usimm has a tight vagina.
What you want to be knows as; RAEG VIKING (choose a size)

Name: Facade
Join Date: Originally 09' will provide proof if needed ;o
Do you believe in the almight(o7): Hail o7?
Why do you want to be o7: You're awesome and so is basically everyone in this organization so far, the memberslist consists mostly of my friends, and seeing as I'm pretty social I'd like to possibly meet some more people.
What you want to be knows as; Facade - The false surface
Example; Malvie - king of e-peen.
what am i doing here