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Making all Public Servers Black belt Restricted
I think it would be a great idea to make all the public servers (except Tournies and Quick aikido, judofrac, etc servers) atleast black belt restricted.

Here's Why and what will this small change bring to the new community:
We all know that Toribash does not have an easy learning curve. So, If all the public servers are black belt restricted, the beginners servers would never be empty and the beginners would only play in beginners servers which is good for them and they will be able to learn the game with their beginner friends and share their thoughts and experience and their tips on how to play the game, using forums, items and stuff. Rather than being in a public servers with dans and custom belts, appreciating their sets and skills while most of the higher belts don't even respond to them and easily defeat them that's why beginner players leave the game because they find it frusturating.
So in the beginners servers they would be able to learn the movement and function of every joint and they will not have much pressure on them about saving the tori from suplexes, lifts, shovels etc.
There's a reason "public" rooms are called this way. No harm for beginners if they want to play with higher belts, and if pro players want to have opponents of same skill level, there are blackbelt rooms.