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[Y] Ypsilon recruitment
recruitment thread
~Welcome to our Recruitment Thread!~

We are pleased to announce that we are currently recruiting.
There are a few things to consider before the application.
Our Main focus is Clanwars and Tournaments ( See Note1 )
We also participate in tournaments and will continue to do so.
Thats why a high activity and reasonable skill in the most common mods is definitely required.

Application Form

Note1: If you aren't interested in participating in Clanwars but want to join us anyway feel free to apply(But tell us in the application if you aren't interested in Clanwars/Tournaments). We host funmod servers almost every day ( and we play things like Mushu.tbm Shaolinsoccer.tbm UrbanSki.tbm some Parkour/Spar mods for those with skills in sparring etc)

Note2: Favorite Mods can vary but its important for us that you know how to handle yourself in the most common Clanwar Mods such as: Aikidobigdojo.tbm Brushu.tbm Wushu.tbm Runkido.tbm Lenshu3ng.tbm Taekkyon.tbm

Note3: Belt isn't as important but it gives us an idea where to place you, however if in doubt about skill, we might test you before offering a trial position in our ranks

You can follow the Application Form we prepared or write your own one, however it is important to us that we got all informations so we can make an educated decision.
When you apply or you are thinking about applying for our clan its good to know some of its members. so feel free to /join Cry ingame to get to know us.It a.) Helps you get to know who our members are and b.) gives the members and idea who is applying ( which can hasten your application )
Please make sure you take your time to write the application. Most Applications with a lot of grammar and or spelling mistakes will be auto declined ( even if your Native Language isn't English )
If you are rejected you still have the right to apply but we suggest you wait at least 1 Week. And check what the reason was for us to decline you in the first place.
If you have any questions at all you can PM Zwouter or just watch out for our server ingame.

We will inform you about our decision in the Forum so make sure to check it from time to time.
Last edited by zwouter; Jan 6, 2014 at 07:52 PM.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Name :Josh
Age :15
Favorite Mods :Aikido,Erth tk,Wushu, Mushu, mostly depends on my mood
Any Bans :Nope
Previous Clans :Paradox
How much time do you spend Playing Toribash :2 hours
Forum Activity :I sell and post replays
Since when do you Play Toribash :I started in 2012 then quit.I came back a year later.
Your Belt : Brown,almost black
Any Special Skills :no sorry
Willing to help the clan with those skills :^
Timezone / Nationality / Languages :eastern,American,English
Alts :Lelukd
Did you read and understand the Rules :Mayyyybeee.Of course
Invited by someone ( if you Joined a Recruitment Server of our Clan) or got any Friends in the Clan :No
Originally Posted by jcgtcg View Post
Name :Josh
Age :15
Favorite Mods :Aikido,Erth tk,Wushu, Mushu, mostly depends on my mood
Any Bans :Nope
Previous Clans :Paradox
How much time do you spend Playing Toribash :2 hours
Forum Activity :I sell and post replays
Since when do you Play Toribash :I started in 2012 then quit.I came back a year later.
Your Belt : Brown,almost black
Any Special Skills :no sorry
Willing to help the clan with those skills :^
Timezone / Nationality / Languages :eastern,American,English
Alts :Lelukd
Did you read and understand the Rules :Mayyyybeee.Of course
Invited by someone ( if you Joined a Recruitment Server of our Clan) or got any Friends in the Clan :No

Josh, I shall join you in the tears of thine beautiful heart, for this clan has actually died since this recruitment thread started. It was a sad day indeed

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I think I might be retired.