Original Post
how does better work?

ive bet quite a few times , and only once has it given me the money i was supposed to get.

i bet 250, it gave me 500. once.

i bet 100, i lose it. ok, but when i bet 1000 and win, i get my 1000 back. whats the deal?
alright, but even when i bet on other people i cant win money and my guy wins the fight. and yes, i bet before 50 frames.

please help me out here :P im confused.
Last edited by bmead96; Jan 18, 2011 at 11:27 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Well, bet money is distributed depending on the bets a person placed, the amount of the bet, how many bets were set on a certain person, and how much another person bet.

Think of it like this. You and a random guy bet on a player. You bet 100 and he bets 100. ON the other hand some one bets 200 on the opposing person. If you and random person won the bet. you each would get around 90tc, while the person who won will get some reward as well which is usually 1/10th of the prize money.In this case it would be 10-20tc.

If no one bets on an opposing person, and your person won everybody will get thier money back because no one bet money on other person.

Also people who bet alot on a certian person will get the majority of the winnings if he won. This is becuase he is willing to bet more, which means he will get more. A person who bets 100 opposing to some one who bet 10,000 will not get as much as the higher bet.

This is a very confusing process I know :P

Hope this helps!
Sorry for the total lesson on server betting :P
Last edited by Shmevin; Jan 19, 2011 at 02:20 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
yeah that was great, thanks man! i figured it out after a while of playing, but this really clears things up for me, thanks again!

Closing then, since it is answered. ~Meamme0
Last edited by Meamme0; Jan 20, 2011 at 03:57 PM.