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Applications for Clans
Hi I was wondering if we could make other people Apps and make them pay for them?
This is probably one of the dumbest ideas I have seen, in an app, you express yourself and you give love into it and they judge you on that app by looking at whats good about you like your attitude to the game and just having fun or just showing how could you are in this gam, paying someone to make an app for you makes you seem fake and you put no love into it, you just gave someone money so they can make an app. Well if you want to do it, go make a fake app and get kicked out a few days later because your app seems nothing like you.

ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
Uhh well, if you struggle with writing apps you can just ask someone to help you put it together. There is no need for this thread, you could just PM somebody and see if they will help you (as long as the information is all yours).
Of course I understand your points lol, but for someone that is good at making things up, and making awesome apps like me, it would be a great market.
#Come to me Lazy people who don't feel like making their own apps.
if you make things up in your app...that's just sad and I think people do have a brain to formally syntax and make your own app. You only see people with these bad apps because (most likely) they aren't really trying, it's like in school, you can try and make some wonderful piece of writing or you just don't care and get a fail. It's only my opinion but paying someone to make an app for them is just dumb.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
Originally Posted by Stone View Post
if you make things up in your app...that's just sad and I think people do have a brain to formally syntax and make your own app. You only see people with these bad apps because (most likely) they aren't really trying, it's like in school, you can try and make some wonderful piece of writing or you just don't care and get a fail. It's only my opinion but paying someone to make an app for them is just dumb.

I don't make things up in my apps lol. I said for others and it isn't that bad of an ide
terrible idea, if this were to work clans would be quite shit, and why would anyone want to buy an application? most clan hoppers just edit there last application if you can't take the time to type an application then don't apply to a clan, if you want to help someone/or get help to apply to something go ahead, just don't go sharing to everyone that you did.
Last edited by BigDog; Nov 4, 2016 at 03:28 PM.
I'm sorry, 3nKB, this isn't really a thing that can be implemented. You're not asking for a system to make the creation of an app easier, or a way to buy applications. The concept of making someone else's app for them is already quite silly (it's supposed to be a representation of their character), but you didn't even provide a concept of a way to make this accessible, so I'm sorry to say I'll have to close this.
I think I might be retired.