Originally Posted by SPLLINTER View Post
Very Easy setting

this is not a cheap ass crappy set triple that offer and its yours.
If u bought this for 40k u got ripped, it looks like a 15k set, at most. Im not looking to buy it tho.
Solax Moderated Message:
User Warned: Useless post.
Last edited by Solax; Aug 19, 2012 at 04:09 AM.

Originally Posted by xJuicy View Post
If u bought this for 40k u got ripped, it looks like a 15k set, at most. Im not looking to buy it tho.

well if you saw some famous player that is very rich and respected you would buy this from him for 10x the normal price so.. and you might want to keep those kind of messages to pm if you don't want to be infracted
Originally Posted by xJuicy View Post
If u bought this for 40k u got ripped, it looks like a 15k set, at most. Im not looking to buy it tho.

Actually sets that now are worth 5k back in 2009-2010 they were around 30k
So yeah the priceswere a bit overpriced back then , so you get ripped every 5 seconds when you bought a set back then.
No, it's the newbs now that dont appreciate the value of sets, I mean tyler112 made an amazing set and everybody said it was random smudges, and they made him feel really bad about it, so he made it a free set. It was easily worth 30k.
I hate all these new players offering 2tc on everything and selling their shit for way too much. Sooner or later nobody will make art anymore because it's not worth the hassle.

This set is worth 20k I would say, do you accept Items?

No you don't. Pm me if you want to trade for items, I love this set.
Last edited by m0nk3y8; Aug 15, 2012 at 11:50 PM.
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