Original Post
Hi all
i need a head made on the image attatched
it would need to be better quality than the original image.
for the back and the sides use ur imagination. but it needs to look like a zombie cricket player wearing a cricket helmet
i am willing to pay up to 1k tc and a toxic primary grad
please dont post ur previews in the post, rather in an attatchment because for some reason i cannot see images in posts!??
tia undeadbman

ps. if its really good ill throw in a gaia secon
dary grad aswell

im feeling rejected ;( will any reply?

Attached Images
ashes2asheszombiecricket.gif (10.3 KB, 48 views)
Last edited by UndeadBatsmen; Dec 24, 2009 at 10:55 AM. Reason: last line
This is the best that I can do for now, Sorry if it is REALLY bad quality.
Oh my, what is this doing here?
hi as i said in the original post can u pls attatch the file not have it inserted in the post b cause 4 sum reason i cant see images when they are inserted in the post. so attatch please!!!!!

ty undead

i have seen the image and its pretty good apart from the quality at the mo
if posssible could u put in a cage around the face [ if u know what i mean] and perhaps for of a skeleton mouth. and the visor more 3d ish if possible
Attached Thumbnails
Last edited by UndeadBatsmen; Dec 24, 2009 at 11:13 PM.
Putting a cage or whatever around the face would make it look ugly, and, 1k isn't that much to work on, ya know? :P
Oh my, what is this doing here?
Well, I dont really need a toxic gradient :P
But, there isn't really much I can do to the head.. and I can't really add any 3d-ishness to the head..
Oh my, what is this doing here?
yes ULIONX u can still try u just need to get it in quick
pwnner i see your point then maybe just up the quality and make the teeth and nose more skeleton/zombie like.

ty undead