Endurance Onslaught 6.0
LMAO, just wait till my braces come off ;)

lol that was random i couldnt do im too self concius but i only understood 2 of the words which were clan colours can you type it up?
Stiil pretty Sexy, No longer Wittsy.
You look like one of my class mates.

I dont dare to show myself cuz im too ugly!
Isnt playing Toribash anymore...
lol, u guys are awful scared eh. whatever. lol, im not really the self conscious type, wtf do i care about other people lol.

none of you guys should care what you look like either :P. im fat and have braces, yet i showed myself 0.0

I agree with fargle! I don't wanna say something cause my english is kinda bad xDD
No, I would do it but I am too lazy I got some fuckin' fecations and stuff!^^
May I will make a somthing like that later... (very later about next year I think)xD