Weekend Bash
Original Post
[Gallery]The Showcase

The Showcase

Welcome to the Showcase thread, where we'll be posting any art that we think is good from all around the forum.
A similar concept to the Daily Deviation idea from www.deviantart.com

If you have a suggestion, feel free to PM any of the Art board moderators with a small motivation as to why its a good piece.
And if they agree with you, it will make an appearance in this thread.
Please include all the relevant information, like who made it, and links to the discussion page or sale(if any)

Brought to you in association with GATA:

The old Expo deserves to be remembered, so here they are:


Last edited by BenDover; Aug 13, 2012 at 01:46 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Trending today:
Clockwork8s recent textures are some of the best we've seen in a long time.
decent mapping and great depth and lighting, combined with exciting style

his recent works discussion thread can be found here:

-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Trending today:
Newcomer to the art scene GuyX has come out with new texture
while not perfect, it shows great potential
thought the texture deserved a bit of exposure, keep an eye out for his future works.

discussion thread can be found here:
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Slycoopers Video series is turning out to be quite fun to watch
Keep an eye on his thread for new videos

-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
VitieK's Lupus head is pretty legit. Awesome fur, perfect highlights on the metal, nice clean mapping.
All and all a wonderful designed head.

Original thread:
Aka jusmi.
Ezeths "taste of poison" is quite pretty

Discussion thread:
Oracul 3rd release of his "dream" series has been released, definitely worth a watch

discussion thread:
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 30, 2012 at 11:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Hours new "d3m0nz" vid is pretty decent, relaxing
Nice to see so many good vids out recently, just wish the texture artists would step up to the plate

Discussion thread:
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
With the inclusion of Joint textures into toribash 4.0, Id like to make a homage to some of the more well known existing joint texture sets

avwaves "scud" set:

and macperfects lingerie set:
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I hope that me mentioning my own work is not too arrogant of me, but im pretty proud of it
Saren Arterius from the Mass Effect series
quite rough, and could be improved, but satisfied with the results

discussion thread:

Doxxy Moderated Message:
You arrogant bastard... Naw, i was about to add this to the showcase. Great work here.
Last edited by Doxxy; Sep 10, 2012 at 03:09 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-