Original Post
Fucked Up things Us Wonderful People Say in-game
We've said so many wonderfully awsome shit in game that i think it should be archived.
Redbull Gave Me Wings
I love you.
<[Pandora]fluffykat> fetus anus
<[Pandora]WingedGod> Anal fetus

just post random shit that you find humorous here. Quote what people say in-game
Redbull Gave Me Wings
same as michstaa here.

I have not been playing seriously for like 2 years or so.

I restarted playing a little a few days ago but now I'm starting to "fade away" again.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
I, before some other members came, was the only one actually playing in-game often.
Proud member of Pandora
I play from time to time, but mostly if I start TB it's just to talk to people.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3