Original Post

You wake up in the middle of an empty street, rain pouring heavily on your scalp. You try to blink your heavy eyelids awake and get a clear view of your location.

You seem to be in some kind of alley...there are garbage bins and trash bags everywhere.

You look down at yourself..just...who and what are you ? Are you a dude or a dudette ?

Welp, Bethany is your name and you seem to have your view obstructed by boobs. Yeah you are a dudette.

Your vision is up to par with the world now. You see pulsing lights outside the alley, possibly a main road. There are cars buzzing past. You hear the chatter of people.

You also notice a handful of empty bottles sitting by your head.

Fuck,you got wasted.

Grab one of the bottles for self defense, then cautiously exit the alley.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3

The Dudette shuffles a strand of hair away from her eye. Just because she can.
She also grabs one of them whiskey bottles...y'know. For self defense.

Head for the exit of the alley, remember to keep the bottle raised in case there's some creeps out there!
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3

The Dudette really enjoys holding bottles. She damn well enjoys it.

Well. The alley seems clear. Nobody assaults you, however there are few hobos looking at you weirdly.

The main road has only houses and houses along it. Oh no, wait. There's also a bar there, just over the street. However, Dudette is unsure about this, fuck she just got out of the haze after all.


The Dudette checks her jean pockets. She digs deeply but the pockets are damn tight, by the time she claws her hand out all the money pours out on the wet street.
A fat hobo bursts out in laughter.


You grab the money and- That's...five...currency...what the fuck kind of currency is this anyways ?


[5 # [currency]]
[Empty Bottle]