Original Post

(we're too cool to have an image as our banner)

We have no goals or objectives, other than enjoy ourselves in the process of making [tone].

1. Fite [8D].
2. Publicly humiliate them.

Symphony of [tone],
silent night and
blooming day
the mortal coil understands nothing
other than our own beat
the tone of our beings

(Treated as they contribute to the clan, no 'high' ranks, no elitism inside the clan)
sahsaap - Inactive
pal - Vacation
Slybash - Vacation
forouramusement - foreverafk.jpg

The Council
The identities of the council are classified, [tone]'s council will take important decisions in the clan.

Don't be a dick.
Don't be stupid.
Stay active or you'll be kicked pretty quickly.

We are currently recruiting:
Free form applications are always welcome.
Be creative. We seek to find mature and intelligent players as our clan is social-based and we'd like to set up a few discussions inside the clan to keep us entertained, we will judge you based on your application, forum activity and IRC activity.
(you probably won't get in)

[tone]'s fundings
nope Toricredits

Our IRC channel,

No, you can't be an ally. (unless we are the ones who offer the alliance)
No, you can't be an enemy.
Yes, you can invade (until we say otherwise).
Yes, you can donate. Send all TC to Thorn.
Yes, we are awesome.
No, you are not.
Last edited by Doclan; Sep 4, 2011 at 01:13 AM.
Yes, this a remake of the original thread. So don't come here telling us about the other [tone] thread.

Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
omg we are so cool

time to fuck everyones ass

ur gay
yep, let's hope our elitism doesn't get in the way when it comes to judging applicants.

Anyhow, should we put up a recruitment thread?
/me le shrug

Maybe. Let's wait a bit, though. I might be able to get some people up in dis \o/
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
uh no banners are for losers

we could make them without your help anyway, if we wanted them
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by iCo0n View Post
DO you guys want banners?

Not really, no. Thanks.

Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
Maybe. Let's wait a bit, though. I might be able to get some people up in dis \o/

I'm okay with that, even though we might die if we wait too much. (!!!)

let's see what you can bring into the clan.