Originally Posted by RELLIKXXX View Post
why do you guys like to get me introble? does every body hate me? im used to using caps

If you want the truth: Not many people even know of your existence. Besides, these people are (mostly) jerks and don't like capslock even though it's fun.
i liek turtelz xd
Originally Posted by jaredvcxz View Post
If you want the truth: Not many people even know of your existence. Besides, these people are (mostly) jerks and don't like capslock even though it's fun.

Well no, it's not being a jerk when someone makes the 8th thread breaking the rules after they've been warned multiple times >_> If you want the truth, read the stickies and follow them, and no one will get mad at you. And I'm pretty sure 10 TC a week isn't gonna convince anyone to join, and bribing is illegal ain't it?
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
I wish you luck with this newfound clan.
However, I suggest you look for recruits ingame, rather than on the forums
It's usually easier that way.

<pirate> wow i almost threw up from sneezing rofl
Originally Posted by RELLIKXXX View Post

caps,stay away from the caps