Original Post
What makes you laugh when you're high?
So I'm gonna be having myself a REALLY good smoke session tonight. I wanna laugh. And I mean laugh. Post them links of shit that makes you trip out or just laugh your ass off!

P.S. - I'm looking for experts. Like some dudes from [eVo] would be nice haha
By the way, this is not meant to be an insult to anyone. I'm open about doing it and I know like two people from [eVo] who do I'm just being open about it.

No hate towards [eVo]. I have a very high respect for you guys!
Last edited by Ezio; Nov 9, 2013 at 05:05 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
| [AC] | Replays | Order of Taekkyon |
Um, I would guess that is seeing my gf ass bounce, idk but it makes me laugh.
For all the lovers out there. You don't know what love is, till you lose it. </3
Originally Posted by Kagami69 View Post
Still do not understand this thread

someone explain?

Shit that makes you laugh when you're high.
Adam Sandler is the answer.
Originally Posted by Dilara View Post
Shit that makes you laugh when you're high.
Adam Sandler is the answer.

Now it makes sense.