how is venezuela man
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Honestly terrible, things have gotten worse but I just keep my mind off of it to not get depressed, internet is scarce and food is too, now we're running on intervals of running water that goes 2 days without and one day with, and I've adopted a kind of stoic philosophy with what I do, couple hours of work a day, couple hours of working out, couple hours of entertainment, couple hours of study, I've had to compartmentalize to stay busy and not let the dread hang onto me for too long. It sucks. Especially when you're carrying your whole family as a 21 year old, but things will get better B') ty for asking

at least this year I've gotten fit and I've tested the limits of my possible suffering and now everything that comes will be better because I've already experienced such austerity
man that sounds rough, my depression's been gettin real bad lately but reading that made me feel guilty, and that I should appreciate wat I have more even tho its hard sometimes, hope things get better for you
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
you should never feel guilty for what goes on in your nogging my friend the subjectivity of life's struggles is what makes us human. I am far better off than somebody in Somalia, I have the privilege of having had an education and parenting good enough to keep me learning and mentally stable, I don't go hungry, I speak 3 languages and some to spare, I am healthy and I have all my limbs, although my internet may be faulty I still have a PC that is working and enough free time as to nurture myself, I play trumpet, work out, I am past my worst days and for that I feel grateful.

I have had real close connections to people with depression and the last thing I'd want is give context to your guilt, or anything, everyone is going at their own pace and everyone has their advantages, disadvantages, fortunes, and mishaps, never let a comparison get you down because nobody ever has gone exactly through what you have gone through, and you are stronger than you were yesterday for being here today, no doubts about that and no excuses on it, feeling better is a matter of time, in my opinion reaching happiness is unrealistic, reaching a level of baseline wellness is what one should strive forwards. There would be no good times without the bad, and vice versa, it is only through peaks that emotion can be felt.