Original Post
Round 2 on skype business
[6:23:39 PM] poopnioggin: I see you've made a tumbler
[6:23:48 PM] JT: what
[6:23:55 PM] poopnioggin: I watched you make a tumblr
[6:24:01 PM] JT: thats
[6:24:04 PM] JT: why
[6:24:15 PM] poopnioggin: Thats why what?
[6:24:30 PM] JT: no, thats...why?
[6:24:44 PM] poopnioggin: I don't understand what you're saying
[6:24:48 PM] JT: why are you in my contacts
[6:25:06 PM] poopnioggin: Because I basicly own you
[6:25:16 PM] JT: ._.

Yeah, 2 times in one week. I was finishing of my tumblr html, and this guy instantly appeared in my contacts without a request, shortly before some messages and then I blocked him. How can I prevent this? My computer seems...vulnerable now. twice all of a sudden?
Last edited by Rai; May 17, 2014 at 06:55 PM. Reason: no
run some virus scans, get malware bytes and run a full scan, etc

if you are still having problems, my only suggestion is to reinstall windows or wipe your harddrive of everything BUT windows
you're haxed
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
maybe he is the person you know, he just simply renamed himself while you weren't looking, and then when the time came, your chat is on the forums now

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

snore. He's not. -_-. First off, he lives in a different time zone, also, has a different profile, also, suddenly appeared, then removed himself from my blocked list, and knew what I was doing atm
yeah im going to close this one too. there was a good reason for your last thread being closed and this thread has turned into the same thing

dont make another one