[Rel]Real tori nfl
Multiplayer mod!! Heres ingame screenshot.
It's classic American football gameplay... but if you dont know about that ill tell ya anyway

Run a few steps, catch the ball that will be launched ahead of you and step into the touchdown zone. Its a balance mod so you wont have to worry about falling over and it also pushes you forward making it easier to run.
Fumble(ball hits floor) - Loss for the ball holder[tori]
Touchdown(ball holder's[tori's] foot hits light green zone) - Auto win [for tori]
Tackle (opponent[uke] manages to touch you with either of his hands) - Loss for the ball holder[tori]
Replay included to show that it is possible to make a touchdown without having the ball hit the ground, (the objectives can't be seen in replay mode but they do work in multiplayer)
The objectives only apply in multiplayer mode, so play this with your friends

The file titled 0realtorinfl0ezsets.tbm includes bigger ball, and shorter distance to run ^,..,^
CnC is greatly appreciated
Last edited by fett175; Aug 29, 2011 at 03:18 PM.