Selling Heads
Selling Heads
Selling Heads
Real name: Angelina
Rank: 949 (for now.)
Age: 14.
Skype(raises chances of getting in): fluttershy578
Previous clans(if none put none):nun
Previous bans(if none put none): nun
Previous infractions(if none out none): nun
Why do you want to join this clan: If this clan could teach me some flips, I'd be happy to learn.
Must have 3 replays
GMT: -6
Most active days you're on: About erry day.
Tell us a little about yourself: Just a toribasher who always tries moves in Free Play, and likes sparring and erthtkv2.
Best mod(s): ^
Will you follow the rules?: Mhm.
What member (If any one [flip]) sent you here: nun
Skills (Video making, art, banners etc: I'm not really sure..
Alts (If any): nun
Anyone you know in this clan: pyblus.