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Real name: Philip (In toribash phileryno).
Belt: Brown. (Soon black about 50 matches left).
Rank: 3725.
Age: 14.
Skype: philp87.
Previous clans: None.
Reasons why do you left the clan: ...
Previous bans: Never.
Previous infractions: None.
Why do you want to join this clan: The clan looks awesome and i should love to be a part of it!
Most have 3 replays: headkick (Fruuze is my reserv Toribash), skillz, Pinwar.
GMT: None
Most active days you're on: Saturday, Wednesday, Monday and Thuesday
Tell us a little about yourself: Like i said, i'm 14 years old, i come from Sweden. When i'm not playing Toribash hang i often with friends or playing table tennis.
Best mod(s): Joustingfixed, Aikido, Aikidobigdojo.
Will you follow the rules?: Always 24/7, every day, every night.
What member (If any one [flip]) sent you here: No one have.
Skills (Video making, art, banners etc: No one
Alts (If any): Nope
Anyone you know in this clan: Nobody
Selling Heads
Selling Heads
Selling Heads