*Belt - Brown Belt
*competitive mods - no mods
*Alts - none
*Previous clans - none
*Why you left those previous clans - NONE
*Why WE need you! - you need me.
*real life name(Ross)
*real life age(14)
*Something cool about you! - I'm a dunkey and i'm pretty good at toribash. (can ask darth3

*player card - no card
*skype (rostiku1)
*Replays(im a dunkey)
*Country & GMT - Canada (im not canadian ffs)
my replay...
I'm(Rostiku) a young Russian boi named Ross who loves playing toribash and killing people... in toribash. I have been playing since May 2014. If i don't play toribash I play League of Legends or GTA San Andreas. I live in Canada so my gmt is -5. Mod I have gotten quite good at is twinswords and my rank is 794. I am 14 years old and my skype is rostiku1.
My win ratio is 65% and I think it's pretty good. I play about everyday and get better and better at this game. I go on forum every day too. For example when I am in queue. I enjoy playing toribash a lot.
I want to join Vibe because this clan is awesome on my opinion and I have a friend here, named darthc3op.
Last edited by Rostiku; Jun 25, 2014 at 05:51 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump