Weekend Bash

Sweet replay, movement in the opener is seriously superb generally but there are some sections (580-530 and 440-410) where the tori is pretty much not moving while transitioning to the next intended position. I understand if it's just a stylistic thing, but it clashes quite strongly right next to other sections where there is a lot of small movements and adjustments. It's more of a nitpick, but I think just adding some more movement to these sections can add quite a lot to a replay's overall quality

I think the movement decision from 410-370 is a bit odd and I think just launching off the behind leg would've been an option that flowed better, but the resulting hits are really cool

I wish the first hits were optimized slightly, I find all that commitment for a sorta random glute DM to be a bit strange and the second hit not getting the other glute creates some strange asymmetry, but the second hit is really cool. Love the way the glute piece goes flying

Mini torso manip is super cool, leg lift is cool and I think a wrist DM here would've been awesome, but it does look like it'd be difficult

The transition between the small manip and the boomhit kick is possibly the highlight of the replay for me, there are some twitches during the setup for the hit but whatever, the hit is satisfying as hell and definitely a lot more interesting than the more trite kick you were setting up initially. The way the relaxed foot bounces into position for the other two DMs after the shin hits against uke is a really interesting way of making this particular hit work, love it

The air kick right after the boomhit kick, looks as if you were trying to get the neck joint with it but couldn't? I'm not sure, but I actually think with some tweaks to the abs and some other joints it's doable and might be nice

Decap into pose I'm on the fence about. I think the decap could be cleaned up to dismember right on the frame of impact (rather than having to spend a few frames wedging between) making the resulting pose easier to do and have better balance instead of having to toekick the floor to land into a pose

Lumbar control throughout the replay is super solid, only notable point I could see any real issue was around when the torso manip was about to start because the grab used made the torso buckle slightly

Good job guys
this replay was like 2 and a half years overdue LOL
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal