Weekend Bash
Original Post
(z) - Recruitment Centre
Want to join zero?

Then apply to join!

Your Application

Write a Free form application in this thread, try and include information such as:
Name, Age, GMT (Time Zone), forum/ in-game activity. Put effort into your application to prove that you really want to join zero, if we can tell you have not put effort into your application then we won't vote and you will be denied!
Once you have submitted your application, the clan members will privately discuss your application, once we have done discussing your application you will either be Accepted or Denied, if your application is accepted we will contact you on discord. if you are denied we will notify you here. This application is a way for us to learn who you are as a person and to figure out if you’ll fit well with the rest of us, so don’t be afraid to tell us more about yourself as a person.
If you make replays, feel free to leave them below and we will take them into consideration when reviewing your application. If you get accepted your rank will be "Recruit", a trial rank that you'll be in for 7 days before being moved into an appropriate rank, it's basically like a grace period, once you're in the clan we want to make sure that you fit in with the clan.
Showing disrespect to the members of the clan will not be tolerated and you will be kicked if caught.

Make sure you put your Discord Username in your application and also it's important that you speak English.
Make sure your application is a Free form not exactly like the one that is made for the example. The only thing that you need to add at the top is your Name, Discord Name, Age, GMT, Activity, Date then you can add more forms for yourself that we can know you better, etc, etc.


Black Belt+ & Discord
Last edited by Xaria; Jun 26, 2023 at 07:20 PM.
Hi, these go in the recruitment centre.
Went ahead and moved it over there for you though.
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Name: bashnexus
Discord Username: Equilone("bashnexus" in the server).
Why do you want to join PewPew?: I want to join your clan because I want to play with players with experience and can teach me more about this game.
What war team do you want to apply for (ABD/Greykido/Boxshu/Mushu/Wushu/Judo/Judofrac)? : Wushu and Judo.
How active are you?: In the week end :12 am at 17 am and in the week it's 16 am and 18 am.

Can I join your clan ?

Thank you in advance
Last edited by bashnexus; Jan 27, 2018 at 02:10 PM.
Discord username: vanishingpotato
Why do you want to join pew: I want to join because I want to get better at tb while playing with more experienced playerswho can help me get better
What war team yout want to join: abd and mush
How active are you: at least ones a week unless I have to do something
My talent: I can speak 3 languages
Attached Files
op spring attack.rpl (38.1 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by lolzyboy; Jan 30, 2018 at 06:55 PM.
Name: HylianYuyu
Discord Username: u nani("HylianYuyu" in the server).
Why do you want to join PewPew?: I want to join your clan because I want to play with players with experience and can teach me more about this game.
What war team do you want to apply for (ABD/Greykido/Boxshu/Mushu/Wushu/Judo/Judofrac)? : ABD and Mushu.
How active are you?: Every time, I won't be active on this 15th since I have school.
amogsudfio tjhh hstbzct shrydt sgt
Name : sammylolz
Discord : sammylolz#8989
I wanna join because I want to participate in clan wars and wreck other clans.
I am active everyday 4:30 - 8:00 weekdays. Nearly all day weekends. Msg me discord clan war.
IGN: Jackysep
Talent: I'm Good At boxshu i could say I'm still starting to learn how to spar good, I Will show some replay , But i have few on this computer ill send some more later / I Specialized Counter , I Can stop Rushers.
Discord: Kaiwaii #9460
Are you active? Yes i'm Active ingame And i'm active at forums too
Have you been banned? No. I haven't got banned Even once
Do you have Another clan? No, I Do not have any other clans
Have you been on a clan? If so why did you leave?: I Left it because it isnt active or it just have a very few players to bond with.
If You got accepted, What team will you be in? I Would say i would like to be in boxshu team Because i'm used to it.
Do you have an alt?: Yes, But i'm not using it anymore I'm focusing on My MAIN now Alt name: IBroked
How active are you In game and at Forums?: I Play 4-5 Hours when weekdays 1-2 hours at forums Saturday sunday upto 6-7 Hours Ingamed 2-4 hours on forums.
Why do you want to join Pew?: I Would like to join PEW Because I Would like to meet highly Experienced PLAYERS and Some kind hearted players too. and have fun or bond with them.

My Replays:
Here you go. Ill add some more later
Attached Files
Replay 1.rpl (16.6 KB, 9 views)
Replay 2.rpl (22.0 KB, 6 views)
Replay 6.rpl (33.0 KB, 4 views)
Replay 4.rpl (16.4 KB, 3 views)
Replay 5.rpl (33.0 KB, 4 views)
Replay 3.rpl (41.3 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Jackysep; Feb 9, 2018 at 09:32 AM. Reason: Adding some replays