I want to join (Pew) as I wish to get better at the mods I Generally play and the only way I feel like I can de-rust is with better players.
My Discord username is Calm
My IGN is depfan1231
I want to have an active community to play this game with.
I'm on for about 2 hours a day
My timezone is UTC -7 or PDT
My age is 19 going on 20 but still have a childlike heart
Username: Dankmeme66
Main skills: Boxshu, ABD, and Aikido
Discord: Toridude55#7782
Age: 13 i'm not like other kids trust me give me a chance before you assume things about me because of a two digit number
Are you active: yes i'm a tad bit rusty but i'm getting back to my roots
Have you been in other clans: I have been in 2 or 3 clans the first 2 i left because it was inactive and the 3rd i was kicked because i said i was thinking about joining Pew
Am i a loyal clan member: Im a very loyal clan member if my clan members are nice respectable and active if they are opposite i might leave
General information: Im very skilled at ABD im dedicated to the grind and love chatting with people i also love to play Boxshu
Will you participate in wars: If i am online and not busy then yes i will always participate in clan wars i find them to be very intense fun and challenging i love a good and fun challenge
Why do you want to join Pew: I have played against many pew members and most of them are very good calm and friendly i love to be surrounded by people like that i also want to join because i want to be able to help and support my clan and climb to the top of the leaderboard and be an official clan one day because i know for a fact that we can do that and i want to be apart of it and be able to say that i'm proud of my clan
Time zone: I live in America in California i'm mostly on in the middle of the day or night time
If i get accepted what wars would you want to be in? I would prefer any wars around the area of ABD, Boxshu, and Aikido although i prefer these mods i will participate in all wars possible
Thank you for taking your time to read my application i took almost 30+ to write this and my tabs crashed twice so i had to restart. if you would except me into your great clan it would be much appreciated![]()
Where else can you contact me: @big_spooky_memez on instagram i will always reply as soon as possible
How long have you been a tori user: i have been playing since late 2015 and have many alts that i have forgot the password too
Ign: simga
Information about me: I am 14 but don't worry I'm not an annoying little kid, my name is Edwin and I enjoy playing basketball, I also like sparing and my favorite mods are Abd, Mushu, Xspar. I live in the united states, florida and if there is any clan meetings or something where we have to get on mics I can do that.
Discord: Shisui Uchiha#1020
How active am i: I am pretty active on the forums and in game I can participate in almost any war and I will be on almost every day.
What are my former clans: I was in a couple of clans for my few years playing I was on heartless/ares(the same clan just had a name change), FC(Fight club) and a few others the reason I changed is because they died and I was losing interest in the game but I'm back and will stay active.
Why do I want to join pew: I want to join pew because I feel like this clan has a lot of potential I have seen some of the people in the clan and I feel like I could get along and I'd be a really good fit to the group. The clan is heading in a good direction and the leaders are nice chill people.
I am pretty skilled at Abd I am a very loyal person I will never switch or change clans no matter what I will never give you a reason to kick me and I will be respectful to everyone.
I will be in as many wars as I am allowed to be in it doesn't matter what kind of mod that it is in I am a pretty well-rounded individual so I can play basically any mod.
Any other information you need to know: I am in middle school 8th grade so sometimes I won't be able to get on but I will try to get on as much as possible but I might have to deal with a lot of homework and things like that.
I want to let you know I am thankful for this opportunity and I will stay in touch.
Name: Andreas
Discord Name: Andigandi Lolicon Harem King#0493
GMT:+2 hrs
Activity: 1-6 hours a day
My name is Andreas
I have been playing this game since 2016
I'm 18 years old, I have been playing this game for 2 years now
I play Ping Pong and ride Bike
I play Aikido (Any Dojo) and Greykido
I wasnt in the clan scene in Toribash jet.
I try to keep the salt level during games at a minimum
Why do I wan't to join PewPew?
Ive met two very nice guys in a lobby XAhmaDx and gabryx01 and after playing awhile they sent me the invitation link
[B]I want to join the clan to be apart of a group in Toribash because i have been playing alone I never really talked to someone ingame and it seems to be really fun to have some guys to play with.
Uh, Hey Ahmad. I know you remember me, but i'd like to make a application to prove you to that im worthy to be in your clan. So... let's get started! I'ma just list my information for my introduction if that's okay with you.
Discord User - TheGreenUnknown#0954
Name - Chase
Age - 15
GMT - -5
Activity - 7/10
Date - 10/8/2018
Now let's get to the good stuff. So.. I'm good at drawing and I've been playing this game since 2014. Although, i've been forgetting the passwords to most of my accounts but AH! I've wrote my password in my notes. Let's see the mods I play? Easy, I play Aikido, ABD, and sometimes I'll be playing xspar with some beautiful shaders on! Now before you deny this app, let me tell the truth of something... I used to be a clan hopper, really because i didn't now anybody and the clan would die out fast. I used to be very impatient but now i'm not. So, i'll be waiting for a response of this application Ahamad.
-------------------------------------------------------------How Will You Help PewPew and Why Do You Want To Join?
Great question! I just realised im lonely.. answering a question I made.. Well anyways let me tell you. I will help PewPew by being in every war I can. So say if im at home at I hear a war is starting on toribash. Let's just say you'd see a user named Bane205 in your server in about 3 seconds. Cause I don't play that war skippin' shit. I would also help out PewPew by working shifts. Say if someone had to go to bed and some applications came in. Well i could just go on the recruitment page and see their requirements and deny or accept. Pretty Simple. This section might not seem like a lot. But typing all of this in almost a hour kinda makes me work. This took less time though than it took me to make my first correct step in running on spars or parkour! One more reason why I wanna join is because Ahmad is my old, old friend and that would be very disrespectful if i didn't even try to rejoin his clan that I got "accidently inactivity kicked out of" and I want to show that i'm loyal to my friends and everybody in my community. Alright, NEXT!
Replays Buddy Boi?
Oof. Alright, let me tell you something about my replays, I'ma explain it all! I have no replays, well I do but there is nothing good about them. I had very good replays in way back of the old days but my laptop had fully resetted and I stopped playing toribash and I was done. So.. I know this might be a big let down but don't worry. At least i didn't waste 4 minutes of your time reading this.. unless I did then i'm very sorry. That's my application for Ya!