what a lovely surprise, there's no real point in me cnc'ing since you're multiple leagues above me with this stuff and anything i could even point out is something you're already aware of or a non issue lmaoo
that being said, it's lovely to see you haven't lost your touch at all. you've still got lovely form, a great sense of flow, very solid creativity and a ton of power. if i had to point out some highlights i'd point to 1185, something about the way your leg just smoothens the landing there is just so delightful to see, and also 370 to 270 that was a lovely transition into coindrop. pretty much everything about this replay is unbelievably solid though!
wish i could be more insightful but this is all you're gettin :] great replay, wouldn't mind seeing more from you in the future as it'd definitely be a good reason to keep this game installed.