Weekend Bash
Hive Application
1. Since 2015 but I stopped playing. Now Im back cuz my friend danewbeast invited me.
2. Very addicting and I watch MMA.
3. I went into a lobby and met Spectre, Danewbeast and Torment who taught me kicks and constantly gave pointers during matches. Real chill mfs.
4. Im 20 and Its been long time since I've come back to a game that I've played before and not get immediately bored of it. Just based off of me meeting Spectre, Danewbeast and torment, I realized its more about having a chill and fun time. Its a great way to escape reality for a lil so it's perfect to join a clan that taught me more about the game also.
1. How long have you been Toribashing?

Since 2014

2. Why do you like Toribash?

Its a game of chess, combined with martial arts, so unique, so competitive, so different and mentally challenging, i love it.

3.Why do you want to join Hive?

Cool members, cool clan goal, i want to join a serious clan and share my abilities with a team.

4. Age and long term philosophical goal

im 19, want to learn new experiences from everyone, and become the best version of myself as physically and mentally possible.
Originally Posted by Norman1123 View Post
1.20172.Stress Outlet Mostly
3.I've Been Abducted
4.20 Life Is A Chalenge Nothis Is More Pleasurable Then Taking It

bad app tbh
1. I have been toribashing for only 4 days, but i was told I was kinda good.

2. I like toribash because it is a game where you can do anything you want, it just takes strategy

3.Ninjabee invited me, also many of the clan members are nice and bring a good spotlight to the community, I would like to be one to help that message

4. My age is 13, my long term physical goal is to be as creative and intelligent as my cousin, I look up to him and he is a very kind person