Weekend Bash
Original Post
Replay Review
Hello. I want to see your replays and WiP's!!!!

Just post them here and I will stream and go through and appreciate them and cnc them on stream or mess with them bc theyre too good <3!

Lucci and Rajen (i did a couple for theirs) and I came up with this idea and I think it's cool.

Feel free to stop by and I will let you know when I do a replay review

love you <3
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
here is my garbage

love you rc
Attached Files
i got a cock in my rari.rpl (359.3 KB, 11 views)
leprosy.rpl (380.2 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by piss; Apr 17, 2023 at 04:47 AM.
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
nothing very new but i never turn down an opportunity for rcrichman wisdom
Attached Files
noodle man.rpl (248.8 KB, 12 views)
noob arms.rpl (335.3 KB, 11 views)
lol funny leg.rpl (298.3 KB, 10 views)
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
Attached Files
hex.rpl (268.1 KB, 12 views)
bluebird.rpl (823.3 KB, 8 views)
alopecia.rpl (362.5 KB, 9 views)
tiptoeing on marble floors

dancing with big chungus on demon time
I will be doing the first stream either today or tomorrow, realistically around 5-6 ish EST,

thank you Glimpsed, epoch, Halu, Toad and Piss <3 i love you guys!! ;333

also hi glimpsed
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
got another one if you haven't already made a preset folder
Attached Files
boogersandcumFIVESTARS.rpl (234.1 KB, 5 views)
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
Dont worry I just click on them on stream bc im lazy and it works haha so even if you post while im streaming or send via discord ill look <3 ill do it today when i get back from blood drawing so in about 2.5 hours as of this post <3.

If you would like to join my mini discord where i let yall know and talk and stuff feel free <3

i love you <333

'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
Tuned into the stream and I couldn't help but dig out some of my latest replays... I feel like I'm about to spend far more time on replays again, just to get RC to watch my efforts : P
Attached Files
RAID CHALLENGE ULTIMA.rpl (1.18 MB, 9 views)
death vs melrose.rpl (1.05 MB, 7 views)
thickest pole in the game.