Weekend Bash
thank you.
Oh and i tried draw_quad. It can draw horizontal and vertical lines.
Last edited by CanCan_old; Oct 24, 2007 at 03:05 PM.
You can just draw a ton of one pixel quads for diagonals, also.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
local pos_x, pos_y, pos_z = 100, 100, 100

local function keypress(key)
        if(key == 274) then
            pos_z = poz_z -1
        elseif(key == 273) then
            pos_z = pos_z +1
        elseif(key == 275) then
            pos_x = pos_x +1
        elseif(key == 276) then
            pos_x = pos_x -1
local function CamMove()
    set_camera_pos (pos_x, pos_y, pos_z)

add_hook("key_down","FreeRoam", keypress)
add_hook("draw3D","FreeRoam", CamMove)
I think you can see what it does, well not does because it doesnt work. Halp?
Last edited by Blam; Jan 3, 2008 at 07:36 PM.
I was unable to find any real explanation of what you can actually do with lua scripts elsewhere, so I guess I'll ask here:

How do they work with MP? Can you create a normal MP server/game/room which runs some particular lua script just like it runs a particular mod with particular settings? Or would the server be able to run only the mod, and each player would then have to manually run the correct lua script as well, or would even that not work?

Obviously you can do a lot of stuff with lua that you can't do with normal modding, so is there any way to create a mod+script combo that can be used in MP just as (or almost as) conveniently as a normal mod?
Rather, it has. It's just that the server hasn't been implemented yet.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
well yeah..
local Camx = 0
local Camy = 0
local Camz = 0
local CamMinusX, CamPlusX, CamMinusZ, CamPlusZ = 0,0,0,0

local function keypress(key)
        if(key == 274) then
            CamMinusZ = 1
        elseif(key == 273) then
            CamPlusZ = 1
        elseif(key == 275) then
            CamMinusX = 1
        elseif(key == 276) then
            CamPlusX = 1
        while (CamMinusX == 1) do
            Camx = Camx -1
        while (CamPlusX == 1) do
            Camx = Camx +1
        while (CamMinusZ == 1) do
            Camz = Camz -1
        while (CamPlusZ == 1) do
            Camz = Camz +1
local function keyrelease(key)
        if(key == 274) then
            CamMinusZ = 0
        elseif(key == 273) then
            CamPlusZ = 0
        elseif(key == 275) then
            CamMinusX = 0
        elseif(key == 276) then
            CamPlusX = 0

local function camera()
    set_camera_pos(Camx, Camy, Camz)

local function cameramove()
    set_camera_pos(Camx, Camy, Camz)

add_hook("key_down","FreeRoam", keypress)
add_hook("key_up","FreeRoam", keyrelease)
add_hook("draw3d","FreeRoam", camera)
add_hook("camera","FreeRoam", cameramove)
--back = 274
--forward = 273
--right = 275
--left = 276

I think it does an infinite loop and crashes TB...
Can someone tell me how to do a better "while key is down"
Just don't do it like that...

Use ifs there. Whiles are just loops that stop the rest of the program until they're done. Which isn't what you want. Just have a key down and a key up so that while it's down a value is true, and when it's released it becomes false. You can use booleans, you know. (Booleans: "true" or "false")
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Yeah Dafe said to use if...

I thought I would add some saving/loading functions to you know learn how to do them anyway...
how would i execute the load and save functions.

local Camx = 0
local Camy = 0
local Camz = 0
local CamMinusX, CamPlusX, CamMinusZ, CamPlusZ = 0,0,0,0

local function keypress(key)
        if(key == 274) then
            CamMinusZ = 1
        elseif(key == 273) then
            CamPlusZ = 1
        elseif(key == 275) then
            CamMinusX = 1
        elseif(key == 276) then
            CamPlusX = 1
        if(CamMinusX == 1) then
            Camx = Camx -1
        if(CamPlusX == 1) then
            Camx = Camx +1
        if(CamMinusZ == 1) then
            Camz = Camz -1
        if(CamPlusZ == 1) then
            Camz = Camz +1
        if key == string.byte('X') then SavePos() end
        if key == string.byte('Z') then LoadPos() end
function SavePos()
    echo("X: " .. Camx)
    echo("Z: " .. Camz)
    SaveSettings = io.open("Settings.cam","w")
    SaveSettings:write(Camx, "/n")
    SaveSettings:write(Camy, "/n")
    SaveSettings:write(Camz, "/n")
    echo("Saved as: " .. input)
function LoadPos()
    LoadSettings = io.open("Settings.cam","r")
    XX = modin:read("1")
    YY = modin:read("2")
    XX = modin:read("3")
    echo(XX.. "," .. YY .. "," .. ZZ)
    Camx = XX
    Camz = ZZ
    Camy = YY
local function keyrelease(key)
        if(key == 274) then
            CamMinusZ = 0
        elseif(key == 273) then
            CamPlusZ = 0
        elseif(key == 275) then
            CamMinusX = 0
        elseif(key == 276) then
            CamPlusX = 0

local function camera()
    set_camera_pos(Camx, Camy, Camz)

local function cameramove()
    return 1

add_hook("key_down","FreeRoam", keypress)
add_hook("key_up","FreeRoam", keyrelease)
add_hook("draw3d","FreeRoam", camera)
add_hook("camera","FreeRoam", cameramove)
--back = 274
--forward = 273
--right = 275
--left = 276
Last edited by Blam; Jan 19, 2008 at 04:47 PM.