Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by KozEnko View Post
i want a script that allows you to run more than one scrip a the time:
Eg.: Faked shaders (by zaz)
And Move memory (by zaz)

EDIT: 1100 post lol!

KozEnko download shaders_and_movememory.lua. Make sure you also have the movememory.lua and shader.lua.

@aleks95: I made mirror.lua for you. Pressing U changes the joints and grabs.
Attached Files
shaders_and_movememory.lua (46 Bytes, 105 views)
mirror.lua (1.3 KB, 70 views)
Last edited by Zas; May 25, 2010 at 08:32 AM.
i have some moves in moves.txt, ll I still having them?

Edit: epic, thanks a lot!
Last edited by Koz; May 26, 2010 at 07:51 PM.

DltBot, razzor.lua is now done.

Since G and B were already in use by toribash I set the keys to H, J, N and M.
Attached Files
razzor.lua (1.7 KB, 103 views)
a toricorder that records to .avi
and only records the replay from start to finish no buutons or text.
and when you pree L to start recording it restarts the replay, and starts recording.