Weekend Bash
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Lua Scripts FAQ
I noticed alot of people seemed to be asking the same questions, mainly these ones. So I thought, "why not make an FAQ?".

What are scripts?

A script is an addon for toribash written in lua. A script can do a whole range of things from letting you play pong while you wait in line to letting you box uke in real time using the number pad.
They allow for a great deal of new gameplay elements and can also help you play toribash easier, by say identifying the people playing.

How do I use them?
You place the script in the folder "/data/scripts/" (unless otherwise specified) and you run them by going into the main menu, clicking setup then scripts.

How do i make one?
please refer here.

I want to request a script, where should I ask?
Here is where you should ask

CAN THEY MAKE MY SHADERS WORK?!?!!?one11!!?!questionmark??!
They cannot:
  • Make you shaders work.
  • Make toribash have more then 2 players.
  • Effect physics online.
Got a question that relates to lua but shouldnt be in any other thread?
Post here.
thanks fer clearing it all up blam but about when you said "and can also help you play toribash easier, by say identifying the people playing.
what do you mean? telling info liek tc owned and items? if so.. plz make one like that!
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
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[CAN THEY MAKE MY SHADERS WORK?!?!!?one11!!?!questionmark??!
They cannot:[LIST]
[*]Make toribash have more then 2 players.
No longer playing Toribash, so fuck off
Originally Posted by chidorikil View Post
I downloaded the script then when i go to the scripts its not there pls help

Are you sure you extracted it to toribash/data/scripts/ ?
Check that its in there.
So, I have a Mac, I place a script folder in Toribash/Data/Scripts. It dosent show on the script list, what am I doing wrong?
I downloaded the script as a .zip file, and a zip file and a folder with the name of the script appeared next to eachother on my desktop, so I went to Toribash/Data/Scripts, dragged the folder there, then opened toribash, and it was not on the list.