Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by aarraha View Post
make a script called zzz.lua and youll can see the worldbulider

Thanks I was wondering why I couldnt use that
open your toribash folder go to data/script and paste them there, open toribash type /ls [name of script here.lua] or go to setup script and select the one you want to activate
I'm going to sound so stupid but how do i get a script from this site into file format onto my desktop....? It opens the script in a window instead of in a a save-able format..help
Well you could download them in attachments posted by members around the forums, OR you con goto the tab at the top names ""Scripts"" and just find the script your looking for.

It will pop up in the browser so just copy and paste it into a notepad file (NOTE these are instructions for Windows users)

Once copied into the notepad file, save the file Into your toribash scripts folder, If you dont know where that is follow the path below as instructed:
(My computer > Local Disk > Games > Toribash _.__ > Data > Scripts > -Save it here-)

Then Open toribash and goto Setup > Scripts > Open your script
There ya go! You've Just installed a script.

I suggest using the forums for newer scripts because I dont know how often they update the stuff in that tab, but until you ge orientated enough with the forums use the tab.
you can just right click the link and use "save link as" or "save file as" or something like that, same path as stated above.
Originally Posted by Blam View Post
you can just right click the link and use "save link as" or "save file as" or something like that, same path as stated above.

Lol, I just learned something new :/
i didn't have a scripts folder so i made one and my scripts dont show up

and just in case it is needed, i am using windows 7-===