Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by Pouffy View Post
id use the "end_game" hook, and skip waiting altogether.

otherwise, there is the "enter_frame" hook, if you really need to check each frame for a particular thing

couldn't find that hook, nor can i find the startup file where all the hooks are haha. do you know where that's located? Thanks!
Can you manipulate game rules during a single player game? You can manipulate the mod, im unsure of how to change something like gravity though

EDIT: I assume you cant't; you cant change the gravity of a replay mid replay lol
Last edited by Kris; Apr 26, 2018 at 05:08 AM.
The get_head_info function
Hello !

I would like to have the info of the head position !
That is not shown by get_joint_pos function !
and get_head_info(index_player) return 0...

How to get it ?

I am also trying to connect information given by the POS in replay and the one given by get_joint_pos

In the replay there are 21*3 coordinate. But get_joint_pos only give 20*3 coordinate.
I am supposing that the 3 first coordinate are the one related with the head.
How to get it ?

thank you guys !
reHello !

I saw that the NEWGAME line is not completly know (some piece of it are still unknow)

Does anyone know all the information inside the NEWGAME line ?

I suppose that it should contain most of information contained in the get_world_state but I still have no idea which one for the most of the entries


It seems that POS in .rpl file is refering to get_body_info(player_index).pos
I am not sure of tht but the 21*3 parameters would make more sense.

If anyone know for sure that my supposition is right it could be nice to confirm !

The 3 first cordinate are the head one. I edited a .rpl file to change head position to be sure.

the 3 next are the neck then I do not check. But I suppose that it is the same order that with get_body_info.


NEWGAME line is a mess and differs according to versions of replay.
In Version 12 we have :

1000 1 15 0 0 2 1000 0 0 classic 0 0 100 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 -9.820000 0 0 0 0 8 :
matchframe turnframes reactiontime ? ? flag engadistance damage sumo mod ? dojosize dismemberthreshold fracturethreshold engageheight ? ? ? ? engagerotation ? engagespace dqtimeout ? dojotype gravity.x gravity.y gravity.z dqflag ? drawwinner pointthreshold maxcontacts
Last edited by adeeplearn; Nov 13, 2018 at 10:20 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
How do I install scripts using linux?
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