Weekend Bash
Original Post
[TUT] Scripting - New series of tutorials!
Ok so the current tutorials are a bit out dated, and quite hard to follow. I've done my best to start creating tutorials that are a lot easier to people who have no idea how to program, and hopefully these will help people get into creating awesome Toribash scripts!

The tutorials are in the Unibash Scripts section, links are here:
  1. Number One - Introduction
  2. Number Two - Basics
  3. Number Three - More Basics

I will be adding more in time, keep checking back in the Unibash forum or here for more. If you want to provide specific feedback or help please do so in the relevant thread, not this one.

If you want to request a tutorial, or ask when the next one will be out, etc. Please ask in this thread.
Last edited by Blam; Jul 20, 2013 at 12:25 AM.
I think I'll try my hand at learning this stuff, scripting always seemed interesting to me, but I was always too lazy to learn. This community could definately benefit with more people making scripts, like the Minecraft community. The only problem that comes to my mind, before going into this scripting thing, is that I have no idea what to make, or what would be needed to make toribash cooler. maybe that'll come later

Thanks for putting your time into these either way :D
Enjoyable guide, thank you Blam.

I will be putting this thread to good use.

▓▓▓▓░+GST ░▓▓▓▓
I made the 1st and 2nd tests and they work.I read the third part but I'm not sure about the 3rd test. What do you think?
here's my outdone:
function set_mod(i)
mods = {"aikido", "judo", "wushu", "lenshu", "sumo"}
run_cmd("join " .. mods[i])
Last edited by giulliare; Oct 12, 2014 at 04:36 PM. Reason: typos
Originally Posted by giulliare View Post
I made the 1st and 2nd tests and they work.I read the third part but I'm not sure about the 3rd test. What do you think?
here's my outdone:
function set_mod(i)
mods = {"aikido", "judo", "wushu", "lenshu", "sumo"}
run_cmd("join " .. mods[i])

Sup babe