Weekend Bash
This is pretty cool, man. Great idea.
multiple texture uploader! updated: multiple texture remover!
updated pretty colorlist!

<BobJoelZ> ok ive just rebooted my pc and ive tried to activate my reflex on yahoo internet explorer :/ no luck

<Aracoon> I do not enjoy having anal sex with multiple men
Initial tests:
- if grab is on, it keeps double grabbing after each turn: it's fixed if you have grab off so np
-chat log is affected someway, sometimes i'm sending messages...and they're not getting through.
- sometimes replaymoves isn't loading for one of the players, kinda weird.
-safesave works smoothly
-safesave even works if you /safesave midway..you get the whole replay..awesome.
-replaymoves works great: toris move exactly the same
Originally Posted by box View Post
It'd be nice to specify a frame number for the recreation to go through.

Excellent idea, excellent implementation.

You can space until the desired frame. Then, unload the script.
Last edited by William; Apr 8, 2014 at 03:58 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Your messed up world enthrills me
Originally Posted by William View Post
Initial tests:
- if grab is on, it keeps double grabbing after each turn: it's fixed if you have grab off so np
-chat log is affected someway, sometimes i'm sending messages...and they're not getting through.
- sometimes replaymoves isn't loading for one of the players, kinda weird.
-safesave works smoothly
-safesave even works if you /safesave midway..you get the whole replay..awesome.
-replaymoves works great: toris move exactly the same

You can space until the desired frame. Then, unload the script.

Daanando, did you just make it so that it saves just like you normally would if you press F midgame? Awesome.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Daanando, did you just make it so that it saves just like you normally would if you press F midgame? Awesome.

Hey,, nobody said I had to reinvent each individual component of the wheel too. ;)

Btw, William that's probably why the chat is a bit stingy, I tried to stem the tide of "SafeSave.rpl has been saved to tthe /replay/.. folder". To go back to full unadulterated system messages, change this line:

add_hook("console","cleanup", console)

at the bottom of the script to:

--add_hook("console","cleanup", console)

I took a look to fix the double grip stuff, and each seemingly easy fix furthers unravels my script like a cheap sweater. It's doing my head in. I'll get back on it, and the suggestions of other soon.

Also, thanks for the enthusiastic praise, guys. Keeps me fired up.
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Daanando, did you just make it so that it saves just like you normally would if you press F midgame? Awesome.

Originally Posted by RoBotN1nja View Post
I found out by trying this with running that it does not work

I feared that was a possibillity. But to make sure: your test was strictly a saved multiplayer game to multiiplayer, right? Toribash calculates things every so slightly differently between single player and multiplayer.
Last edited by Daanando; Apr 9, 2014 at 04:34 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by RoBotN1nja View Post
Daanando I mean it wont like work for parkours

And I'm asking if the game of Parkour that you played was amultiplayer that you discontinued and then tried to pick up again, in multiplayer.


Last edited by Daanando; Apr 10, 2014 at 07:13 AM.
Yea i tried but it would fail with the running aspect like when the start up but will be but then it will fail
Last edited by codeine; Apr 11, 2014 at 05:13 AM.
Originally Posted by RoBotN1nja View Post
Yea i tried but it would fail with the running aspect like when the start up but will be but then it will fail

I tried recreating a spar, and it worked precisely. The mod was xspar.tbm. So you're probably doing something wrong.
Your messed up world enthrills me