Weekend Bash
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Public :: Featured Suggestions and Feedback
Hello modmakers!

As of yesterday, there is a public server (/jo publicfeatured) for showcasing new mods! Every week the mod in this server will change to a new 'featured' mod, we'll give the mod some exposure and see if the public takes to it. If a particular mod is popular enough it may even be given a more permanent public server etc.

So, if you've made a new mod which is playable and fun enough, go ahead and post it here for the chance to be in the server for a week!

Last edited by Moop; Mar 15, 2016 at 06:39 PM.
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave

Rk-mma version with some boundaries since I thought the ring was always too small..and it is fun to launch the attacks. The pointing system also follows the StrikingReborn one.

Also, perhaps a small suggestion: it would be cool if mod featured actually gets feedback from community or gms or whatever. It would help propel mods that have a small flaw reach public server status etc..
Last edited by William; Jan 1, 2016 at 05:46 PM.
Your messed up world enthrills me
Most of the released mods are for sparring and parkours.
So is that server going to feature mostly fighting mods like aikido, abd, lenshu, wushu, etc. (of course new ones) or also sparring and parkour mods. Because i haven`t seen a official sparring server yet and i don`t know if people would join such servers.
I guess they would want to be op to change the gamerules.
So giving the two guys which are playing a "beta op" which allows them to change the gamerules but doesn't allow them to do the hotseat and kick command.

Anyway, I hope you can follow my thoughts and this is a great idea^^

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

I feel a bit bad for potentially hogging the server for two weeks in a row but I suggest slambo_x.tbm. It's a grappling mod I've made recently that has aikido frames and dismemberment threshold, but also hands that dq and wrists that rotate around their axis (giving arms 3 degrees of freedom as opposed to default 2).
shiorigrab.tbm or shiorinograb.tbm, kicking mod I made a bit back, you can only score points by hitting head, or torso, same with DMs, there is also a dq timer making most things saveable, but still hard with the turn frames. No grab I find more fun than the grabs.

Originally Posted by William View Post
Also, perhaps a small suggestion: it would be cool if mod featured actually gets feedback from community or gms or whatever. It would help propel mods that have a small flaw reach public server status etc..

I think it would be nice if there was a way to rate the mod, like in a thread after the week it's up, or with a command in game. :>

(Possibly set a minimum amount of games to be able to vote, or a belt restriction so people can't create fake accounts for it)
I'm sure feedback in some thread (this one?) would be more than enough. I can't imagine you'd need to implement any new features for that.
Originally Posted by Ukephile View Post
Most of the released mods are for sparring and parkours.
So is that server going to feature mostly fighting mods like aikido, abd, lenshu, wushu, etc. (of course new ones) or also sparring and parkour mods. Because i haven`t seen a official sparring server yet and i don`t know if people would join such servers.
I guess they would want to be op to change the gamerules.
So giving the two guys which are playing a "beta op" which allows them to change the gamerules but doesn't allow them to do the hotseat and kick command.

having a public server for parkour/sparring mods sounds interesting, but I don't think it would work, mainly because the queue would take FFOOORREEVVEEERRR (meaning it would be better suited to a private server). Also, the 'beta op' thing you suggest is beyond our control, that would have to be a hampa-addition.

Originally Posted by pouffywall View Post
I'm sure feedback in some thread (this one?) would be more than enough. I can't imagine you'd need to implement any new features for that.

Feel free to use this thread to discuss your thoughts on whichever mod currently occupies publicfeatured

speaking of which, an announcement...


Messer_fighting has been given its own public server as a trial, since it was overwhelmingly popular in the publicfeatured room.

On trial in publicfeatured for this week: slambo_x.tbm, please go and try it out. Other mod suggestions on this thread have and will continue to be noted.

Thank you for all who have been trying out the new mods!
Last edited by Moop; Jan 9, 2016 at 12:33 PM.
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave
My mod could use some highlight. http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=545823 its on my mod list, the only one in there atm, its kinda challenging. i cant even beat uke in it, haha.
Hey I made this mod the other day
its called lightningsassy.tbm
its a hybrid of boxshu, lightninglenshu and 360 chest.
hosted a gmtourney in it and it went alright, peeps had fun and stuff