Weekend Bash
Jdawg: That was one of the least good thread you have posted. I know you can do better.
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Splinter_Story of my life.rpl (114.7 KB, 82 views)
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
I can't rate the replay above because there IS no replay above. :P

The arm came off real easy. But the torso was a bit hard, so I had to give my toenails manicures.

Wait, what?
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a-jv have you seen a torso?.rpl (84.6 KB, 41 views)
Arm dismembers are kinda borring :P.. but anyways the kick was nice, could have been more boomy thou.. and the endpose could have been better :P

Anyways heres somthing ive been working on this morning :P..

Ps. i suck at making titles :/
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I really liked the boomhit.

This one I made just now.
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#Dark Knight.rpl (70.8 KB, 42 views)
Good job getting the decap on that. Shame you withdrew the punch though, it looked too much like a tap break for my liking but that's just me. 8/10

My replays are here, I'm not going to upload them both again.